Blue Balls

Blue Balls



Average rating4


Blue Balls is a roller-coaster. Seriously, it's one hell of a ride and I spent 99,9% of it laughing out loud! It can be read as a standalone but I definitely recommend Clam Jam to be read first (trust me, Ry and Maggie's story is totally worth it).

Sarah and Jack have been attracted to each other ever since they met and now they are both single... and the chemistry between them is hot, hot, hot!

Sarah is hilarious. Her thoughts are a little crazy, she even compares her glare to Darth Vader's “little Jedi move” (you know, he remotely – as in without physical contact – chokes people) and I loved her craziness but sometimes it got a little repetitive.

Jack is sexy, witty and so easy to love. I loved him in Clam Jam and he did not disappoint in his own story! Mr. Blue Balls is something else! Sarah and Jack really wanted to give in to their attraction but they kept getting blocked, it was absolutely funny and refreshing even though sometimes I wondered if it would actually happen between them!

While I kept loving Jack more and more through the story, Sarah slowly started to annoy me. I wanted to shake her and tell her to open her eyes to see what was right in front of her and of course that's mainly because I really, really loved Jack.

If you love romantic comedies, I highly recommend Clam Jam and Blue Balls. Blue Balls is funny, sexy, flirty, well written, unique, low-angst and will definitely make you laugh out loud.

August 1, 2017Report this review