Average rating3.9
It's not often a nonfiction book has me laughing out loud, but this one did it. This is the first of Roach's books I've read, but her voice makes me want to read everything she's ever written! Bonk is the story of sexual research - how scientists have made discoveries about a topic that is awkward at best, and taboo or even criminal at worst. Roach takes research seriously, volunteering as a research subject more than once (and convincing her husband to help, in at least one case!) Her wordplay is clever and her footnotes are HILARIOUS - this was a nonfiction book I kept having to pause and read to my husband between snickers.
Even her chapter titles are giggle-inducing - with titles like “The Princess and Her Pea - The Woman Who Moved Her Clitoris, and Other Ruminations on Intercourse Orgasms” and “Re-member Me - Transplants, Implants, and Other Penises Of Last Resort.”
Roach writes about some truly awkward sexual encounters in the name of science:
On the bed are a man and a woman. They are making the familiar movements made by millions of other couples on a bed that night, yet they look nothing like those couples. They have EKG wires leading from their thighs and arms, like a pair of lustful marionettes who managed to escape the puppet show and check into a cheap motel. Their mouths are covered by snorkel-type mouthpieces with valves. Trailing from each mouthpiece is a length of flexible tubing that runs through the wall to the room next door, where Bartlett is measuring their breathing rate. To ensure that they don't breathe through their noses, the noses have been “lightly clamped.”
Another passage mentions two gymnasts who have sex in an MRI tube. (For science!) I'm impressed these people can perform under these conditions at all!
There's only one passage that squicked me out a little bit - there's a few paragraphs describing a urologist performing surgery on a penis and it's...a little disturbing. That aside, though, this is a delightful book on an uncommon topic. It's an easy read, which I don't say about much nonfiction. It might be awkward to explain why you're snickering over this book, though!
You can find all my reviews at Goddess in the Stacks.
I don't know what it says about me that I found Bonk much more cringeworthy gross than Stiff or Gulp. But it's true. I found myself crossing my legs and making uncomfortable faces more than laughing guiltily through it, like I did through Mary Roach's other work. Perhaps part of that is that the lurid fascination with sex in society meant that a lot of her insights were less novel than in her other books. Perhaps Roach had not yet found her narrative voice. Perhaps I wasn't in the right mood.
Nonetheless, Bonk is a decent book and would perhaps be even more well-liked by those new to Roach's work, with preset high standards. Roach certainly knows no limits in taking an active role in journalism, going so far as participating in a study on 3-D ultrasounds during intercourse. But I agree with my goodreads friends, who felt like Bonk had fewer “Wow!” moments than Roach's other works.
Fascinating stuff! Vast amounts of sheer geekery about sex, science, and the intersection thereof. If you're looking for sex tips or salacious reading, look elsewhere. If you're looking to howl with laughter without being able to explain WHY to most people, this is your book.
Okay, one might glean the occasional sex tip, but I don't think they're anything that common sense couldn't tell you. And you'll have to wait for the very last chapter for the best bit.
I'll be adding more of Roach's diverse works to my to-be-read stack soon!
Loved it! My first Mary Roach book and have more on the to-be-read-list (Up next: ‘Stiff' and ‘Grunt'). She writes super accessible and very entertaining. I learned a lot, while also being very amused. Definitely recommend.
LOVED IT. The different aspects of sex and science that the author explores are fascinating, and her writing is smart and funny. Just like in “Stiff” she goes a little overboard on the footnotes, with about one note on the bottom of every page. Luckily, these notes are hilarious or cringe-worthy (often they're both), making them worth the disruption of the main narrative.
Basically Mary Roach has been one of my favorite authors, and this book puts her solidly at the top of the heap.
Essentially, a scientific exploration of sex research from the point of view of a witty journalist. I didn't much care for it, to be honest. Maybe this would have been a lot more interesting if I hadn't already encountered a lot of the facts presented here online, but there also seemed to be a lack of sex positivity, sort of like the author found some of these crazy and kinky people just so weird! Then again, I read it in a bad mood and may have been projecting. Regardless, probably two stars, because it was funny in parts.
If you couldn't digest Roach's Gulp! (get it?), you should probably stay away from Bonk. This book is even better than the travails of your alimentary canal as it aims at a much lower level i.e. your genitals. No other physiological occurrences have been more important yet have been studied so less often.
Citing heavily from Masters and Johnson (BTW definitely watch ‘Masters of Sex' on Showtime), Kinsey, et al., Roach brings her inimitable humor to the science of sex. Some chapters will have you clenching the pages a little too tightly especially for men as she describes the bravery of some men to go the extra mile for science so that we would learn. Or maybe they just didn't have any option coz they screwed up (I'm full of puns today). If you've checked out the early part of ‘Orange is the New Black', you'll be not be surprised to know that women are equally unaware of their nether regions. In their defense, it's much more complex. Just like their minds.
So if you aren't a prude and can get thru lines such as ‘...if you thought defecation-induced orgasm was gross, think of the other way around' and didn't throw up your dinner, then you should definitely read Bonk. Perhaps you can impress the lady with science if not with your charms.
This was EXCELLENT! Smart, interesting, engaging, and FUNNY funny funny! Highly recommend!
I really dug Ms. Roach's first book, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, and had fun with her second book, Spook: Science Tackles The Afterlife. But I found this one a little more put-downable. I read it over several months in various-sized chunks. Some of the chapters made me wrinkle my nose and go “ewww” and I did a little skipping here and there since I wasn't all that interested in learning about people doing what sounds like tortuous things to their penis. I don't need that. And some of the people she interviews are... a bit nutty. I did learn some stuff though, a good deal of it pretty interesting and also it's stuff that people never talk about (like the bit about what happens to rape victims). I also learned that humans are the only ones shy about sex. Chimpanzees will calmly stare you in the face as they are flogging their carrot. That might be a bit off-putting. So, all-in-all, I'd say this book was a mixed bag. But this is probably my only review to include the phrase “flogging their carrot.” For now.
The world of sex research is just as wild as you'd think it would be and then some. Mary Roach is also the perfect person to explore this field and make it hilarious and fun the whole way through.