Average rating3
Well, gosh. In a lot of ways, I wish I'd known about this series so I could read it in bits and pieces, like Harry Potter. Because taken as a whole, read in less than a week, a lot of shit went down in these books. Crazy vampire shit. My reading pace, I will admit, may not have left me time to enjoy all the detail that was included given my fervor to figure out the plot. I stand by my opinion that the 3rd book is the most fun to read, but credit where credit is due, I never in five million years would have guessed the direction the 4th book took, so hats off to Meyer for that. All in all, if you need an airport read, a beach read, a read something that doesn't require a lot of thinking read, a moved across the country and broke up with your boyfriend read (who? me?), these books are your new best friends. Not quite Harry Potter (could anything be?), but close.