Average rating3
Count me in. I loved this one. It really turned the corner in this final installment.
The plot totally jumped the shark but there is still something to these books that makes them just so darn readable.
After talking to a lot of friends/family about this book in particular I've been able to come up with a conclusion. People who like happy endings love this book. People who find happy endings smarmy hate this book. Having that knowledge equipped I tried to keep myself impartial because it is a happy ending but I was not on board with a significant portion of the book, and it's an enormous lump of a book...Bella doesn't have to sacrifice anything. Not that she is required to by any means but...she gets every thing she wants, I suppose readers are conditioned into expecting some sort of tradeoff.
There was a lot to like...I liked the pack stuff with Jacob, any scene with Seth in it is a great scene! I liked hearing about the other vampires' abilities...but I just got supporting character overload in the last section of the book. One thing Nate and I brought up several times during the reading of this one is how much Edward seems to lose his bite (hah).
Seemingly with a good novel series, when the end is coming as a reader, one wants it to go on forever. The feelings with finishing the Twilight Saga is much the same. I despise the fact that it had to end, but since it did, this was definitely in good form. Breaking Dawn is the fourth and final installment of the Twilight Saga, not counting the [b:The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide 3609763 The Twilight Saga The Official Guide Stephenie Meyer http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41mqtX-NO8L.SL75.jpg 3652514] said to be coming out December 2008. (I'm excited). This novel is told differently than the first three. [b:Twilight 41865 Twilight (The Twilight Saga, Book 1) Stephenie Meyer http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41DcKN0STkL.SL75.jpg 3212258], [b:New Moon 49041 New Moon (The Twilight Saga, Book 2) Stephenie Meyer http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/414jgcy2FAL.SL75.jpg 3203964], and [b:Eclipse 428263 Eclipse (The Twilight Saga, Book 3) Stephenie Meyer http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/411cNNPkYAL.SL75.jpg 2675454] are all told from protag Isabella Swan's POV and is one whole book each, while [b:Breaking Dawn 1162543 Breaking Dawn (The Twilight Saga, Book 4) Stephenie Meyer http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/416pfGGLM0L.SL75.jpg 2960529] is divided into multiple “books” and every other book moves from being as Bella's POV to another long standing character Jacob's POV. It is fascinating and amazing what it does to the story and presents all sorts of details and imagery that would not have been available simply from Bella's mind. This is a big book, this is a good 700-something pages, getting very close to 800, but it is entirely worth the time for a read. It is amazing how well this book sucks you in until you have finished. The entire series is fabulous, in that you have not a clue what will be coming next, but that is essentially a fact in this book. As a reader, I never would have expected to what happened to occur on each following page. [a:Stephenie Meyer 941441 Stephenie Meyer http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1208990584p2/941441.jpg] is good. She really does deserve to be a Bestselling Author with her gift of story telling. She was easily able to take a figment that has for almost all time been seen as evil and mold it into a form that is “trying”. So many people have fought off this series without attempting to read it, because of a fear factor. I really encourage you to read this series. The themes are fabulous, and it is a great teen read as it was meant as well as an adult read. With love, abstinence, mercy, personal growth, friendship, devotional, and free will as constant themes through out, a reader can learn many things from the forms in which Stephenie Meyer presents a tremendously engaging story.
This was probably my favorite out of the Twilight series, probably b/c I could just suspend my thoughts that it should be set in some sort of reality. Also, it was kinda nice not having to read Bella's griping for hundreds of pages.
I would never ever thought I would actually like the fourth book of this Twilight saga. But I really do like it, actually. The fourth book was... amazing. Well, to me, at least. It seems that I like Bella The Vampire much much more than Bella The Human. Bella The Vampire could definitely kick some serious ass.
The story started off with Bella and Edward's wedding, which was a bit weird actually. And right after the wedding which was marred by Jake's appearance (who disappeared, heart-broken in Book 3), Edward whisked Bella off to a private island for their honeymoon, which was kinda freaky. We were exposed to the love-making process between a vampire and a human... but not much really. And soon after, Bella was pregnant. Haven't they even heard about safe sex? Guess not.
At this point, where Bella and Edward realized that she is carrying his not-so-normal baby, the story got really interesting. I was hooked from that moment on.
And telling the story from Jake's perspective was great. At least I was grateful not to be in Bella's world where it only revolves around Edward.
All in all, this book did not disappoint me much. The gathering of the various vampire covens, the Volturi, Jacob imprinting on Bella and Edward's child, the gifted child who captured everyone's hearts (including mine)... it made for great reading for me. Book 4 is definitely much much better than all the 3 books combined.
Again, fun and quick. However, I found the end to be anticlimactic and a huge let down.
Le quatrième et dernier roman, Breaking Dawn, est le plus spectaculaire et le plus haletant de la série. Il est découpé entre trois grandes parties : la deuxième a la particularité d'avoir Jacob Black comme narrateur (on sent que l'auteur s'est fait plaisir en faisant ainsi parler un personnage dont on suppose qu'elle l'apprécie beaucoup), la première et la troisième étant relatées par Bella, comme les autres romans. L'histoire s'emballe et prend de l'ampleur. L'intensité et le suspense montent progressivement tout au long du roman, avant un dénouement plus touchant que je l'aurais cru. C'est parfois un peu brouillon, notamment à cause de la multitude de personnages qui font leur apparition dans la troisième partie, mais ce dernier roman est plutôt agréable à lire. C'est une conclusion épique, peut-être un peu bâclée, d'une saga globalement sympathique malgré quelques défauts.
This book is so outstandingly illogical and poorly paced that I don't think I noticed anything else about it. It's also at least 300 pages too long.
I didn't particularly care much for the Twilight series and after reading the books and then seeing the movies you can see how it's become so popular. However, the writing wasn't great and the characters and story didn't really make for a particularly good series. I will admit that it's predominately aimed at women, but in comparison to other reads with a female focus it's poor.
Ce dernier tome conclue très bien la saga.
Néanmoins, dix ans après, ma lecture à forcément changer, je ne suis plus dans la tranche d'âge pour apprécier réellement twilight à ce qu'il était dans mes souvenirs d'adolescente, mais c'était plaisant à relire.
Ce n'est donc pas un adieu, car je sais que je les relirais probablement dans une autre décennie.
Well, I finally finished the last installment in the Twilight saga. My review might include some spoilers, so read ahead at your own caution.
It seems to me that the quality and wow factor of this series has diminished incrementally from the first book. Twilight was by far my favorite; seriously, I loved it. New Moon was alright, Eclipse definitely lacked something, and this final book was a disappointment. I felt that Breaking Dawn was far too long for the material that it contained. Either the editor should have cut down on the number of pages, or Meyer should have developed the plot more intricately and fully.
At the beginning, I was hoping for a better wedding scene, and of course, a much more descript honeymoon. Bella was still being petulant about the marriage, and that ground on my nerves. Once that scene was finished, bam, they're at the island. I'm not a romance buff by any means, and I hate smutty writing, but Meyer could have given us readers just a bit more in terms of the whole honeymoon sex scene. Don't get me wrong, I just think that Bella and Edward's relationship on the island could have been even more solidified through Meyer writing about it just a tiny bit more in depth. Instead, it was like, wham, they have mysterious sex and suddenly Bella's pregnant, of course after the first time.
After she finds out she's pregnant, the novel DRAGS. Seriously, I'm sorry, but the whole middle section of this book was a bore. Finally the baby's born, given a ridiculous name (both her first and middle names annoy the heck out of me) and Bella becomes the vampire that we've all been waiting for her to become.
I'm also a bit disappointed in how easily Bella overcame the whole newborn thing. I know, she had a shielding gift, and I didn't want her to kill anybody, I just thought that there could have been a little more struggle to her vampire initiation.
The ending was also a letdown. The whole meeting fo the vampires was great and all, but if the Volturi are coming all the way there and all that animosity is going around, why was there not a battle scene? I thought it was far too easy that the Volturi just saw another half-vampire and were like, ok, let's go back home. This means that the Volturi are still around. I wanted them to be destroyed, or at least made to fight with the other vampires. It's the whole good vs. evil thing. When Edward mentioned something like, oh, the Volturi are really just bullies, but cowards underneath' I was like, WHAT? I mean, they were this huge threat, and there was supposed to be a huge confrontation, and suddenly they just walk away to go live in their castle?
It seemed like all the action was crammed into the last 200 pages of the book, and everything before it was far too drawn out and dullingly descriptive. I think Meyer could have done a better job, had she been given time to let her plots thicken and develop, and time to trim down on useless pages of nothing.
The book had so much potential; I just wish it could have been a better finish to the series.
Finally Bella contributes more then whining and getting into trouble and has her own strength. Actually quite enjoyed this one.
Honestly there are no words for this book. I fell in love with the entire series...Edward and Bella, and I'm depressed it's over! But I know I'm not the only one who feels this way about books.
Well, gosh. In a lot of ways, I wish I'd known about this series so I could read it in bits and pieces, like Harry Potter. Because taken as a whole, read in less than a week, a lot of shit went down in these books. Crazy vampire shit. My reading pace, I will admit, may not have left me time to enjoy all the detail that was included given my fervor to figure out the plot. I stand by my opinion that the 3rd book is the most fun to read, but credit where credit is due, I never in five million years would have guessed the direction the 4th book took, so hats off to Meyer for that. All in all, if you need an airport read, a beach read, a read something that doesn't require a lot of thinking read, a moved across the country and broke up with your boyfriend read (who? me?), these books are your new best friends. Not quite Harry Potter (could anything be?), but close.
Read the book for the 5th time!!! Can't get over it!! Can't wait to watch the movie!!! I'll never get tired of reading this over and over again!!! :))
June 4, 2016: I can't believe I was crazy over this.
the ending was a disappointment :( Okay maybe the movie trailer ruined it for me but even if I didn't see it , it was still a disappointment :(
The ending of book one and two were the same. The best ending was in book three.
But still I liked the book , it was so awesome and creative even if stephanie's writing style is annoying sometimes. But her description is so thorough and accurate and it makes you imagine very clearly the scene and the people in question.
Okay, even if the series is not very good, it still hurts knowing that I finished it :( secret, I even cried in one place
I now understand the whole feelings people get when they finish a series no matter how good or bad it is ... This is the first time I finish a series :(
Just the idea that I won't have the chance to read about these characters and about this plot again is... hard :(
Okay, maybe I am too emotional
Anyway, the ending is still a disappointment :p
OH MY GOD THIS IS THE BEST BOOK EVER!!!!!!!! There are so many twists and turns and unexpected events! I could NOT put this book down unless forced to! It is a must read!
This was the most disappointing Twilight book for me. The first section was excruciating (like a bad romance book from the 60's) but after all the ridiculous beginning it gets better.
I really loved the developments in Jacob's character.
In the romance category I give it an F
In the interesting twists category I give a A
In the Action adventure category I give a B
In the character development I give a B
Over all I give a C+
Breaking dawn is slow and does not have a great plot. But it is gripping in its own horrible addictive way
This book is good and worth reading. I enjoyed it but it felt a little lacking. I may recommend it to a certain audience. It gave me mixed feelings, possibly with potential it didn't quite live up to. It's a good experience, not amazing, but not bad.