Average rating3
I am not going to say much. There have been tens of thousands of reviews of each of the books in the Twilight series. I read them in a little over a week and enjoyed them all. I will just mention what I enjoyed most in this last book, Breaking Dawn.
The battle at the end was very enjoyable to me. It was handled as all battles should be written about. There was a long period of preparation, diplomacy was involved, the most important goal was to avoid fighting, and the minds and emotions and goals of each of the leaders on both sides was crucial to the beginning of the conflict and the final resolution.
It would be too much of a spoiler to say what happens in the final battle, but I was very happy at the outcome.
This was a satisfying conclusion to this tetralogy of books.
Original rating 5 stars
Current rating 3 stars
After having my frontal lobe completely grown, I don't understand why my teenage self loved this teenage-angst book
in my opinion, the best book of the entire twilight saga.
in my opinion, the whole saga should have been comprised only of one book. -_-
I definitely enjoyed this one. Wrapping everything up so perfectly. I’ve never been so happy with how a series has ended. Usually I either feel like they wrapped it up wrong or I feel like I just want to keep knowing so much more. But the way this was wrapped up I feel like I know exactly how it’ll go without them telling me and it was perfect. The fight would’ve been cool to see but I was still impressed with how the scene went. I was interested the whole time, connected to all the characters. I loved the change in POV although Jacob did get a bit annoying and repetitive they stopped it just in time. Really just well done final book. I recommend!
My 2nd time through I think I really truly appreciated the amazing campy glory of this book and no longer endorse the vitriol I felt for it in 2009, although I will leave the original 1-star review below for posterity. (I have upgraded it to 2 stars. Let's not get carried away.)
I think my review of this can best be summarized by the series of text messages I sent to a friend while I was reading it. They really capture the depth of my emotions as I was entranced in this literary work.
2. THIS BOOK IS SO BAD IT MAKES MY SOUL HURT THE WAY YOUR RECTUM WOULD IF EDWARD CULLEN ANALLY RAPED YOU :( * (This joke may seem in poor taste, and in fact IS in poor taste, but it does have its roots in a series of other inside jokes. If that helps. Don't judge me, I didn't write Breaking Dawn.)
4. Done with this garbage/Twilight is the new Secret/And both should be burned. (* The Secret is a self-help book that we're obsessed with making fun of. Also, I don't really advocate book burning. Not even for this book. I guess.)
I really liked reading these books - before the movies and ‘seeing' those two actors when I read, therefore spoiling the characters for me with their less than stellar acting skills.
This book is so outstandingly illogical and poorly paced that I don't think I noticed anything else about it. It's also at least 300 pages too long.
I have finally reached the last book of the twilight saga, Breaking Dawn. In this final chapter, we see Bella make the most important decision of her life, to become a vampire forever. Her world was being split in half; her love for her father, who she has become incredibly close to in these past few years that they've been together, her silly, but comforting mother whose finally found stability in her life, and last but not least, her very best friend (who happens to be a werewolf) Jacob Black, the one person who will always be there for her, but the deep love that they have for each other can never happen. Then there is the new family she craves to join; the irresistible Cullen family and their loving bond that they have for each other (including the man of her life, Edward). She graduates high school, gets married and tries to live life as a human for the very last moments. Once she finds out that she's pregnant with Edwards baby during their honeymoon, she becomes fatally ill as this “monster breed” is tearing her insides. Never have they heard of a half-immortal/half mortal child before, so the Cullens are in grave fear of what this may bring to the world. Jacob is more infuriated with the fact that his best friend is willing to die for this creature. The story transgresses, Bella gives birth to a beautiful girl, Reneesmee, she becomes immortal, Jacob finally moves on from his love for Bella...to his new love for Reneesmee [by imprinting:]. Bella, being a newborn vampire has the great ability to control her emotions and cravings, so shes capable of maintaining her relationship with her father, and the last parts of her human life that seemed the most important to her;and then they live happily ever after....until the Volturi clan plans to come to exterminate the Cullen clan because of Reneesmee. Carlisle,Esme, Alice,Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie search for all of their fellow vampire friends from all over the world to witness the “trial” that would possibly condemn their lives. We all know that at the end of the book, no one dies [except for Irina the betrayer:]. The Cullens are safe, the werewolves [or shape shifters according to Aro:] are safe, and maintain the newly found bond with the Cullens. Jacob and Bella will always remain best friends forever, and he will wait till Reneesmee is of age before they have their relationship. Bella will be able to keep in contact with her father, and the rest of the werewolf pack. Everyone seems to live a happily ever after.
The entire series is worth the reading. Even though im torn between which one is my favorite (im leaning towards Eclipse), it is captivating from the first to last page.
Plus d'actions et Bella moins geignarde ont facilité les choses. Avoir des chapitres du point de vue de Jacob ont grandement aidé également.
Mais bon ça reste grave sexiste tout ça.
Je suis toujours effarée par Charlie et son incompétence en cuisine. Il faut toujours que des meufs lui fassent à manger. Même pas il ne daigne faire la vaisselle et préfère poser son cul devant la TV.
LOVED this one. My favorite of the series. I haven't binge read a series in a while and I still can't believe I finished this one so quickly. I can see why so many have loved this series.
Ugh. Ugh. Appalling.
Having read the first three of Meyer's books, I was looking forward to this, the fourth installment in the series. Little did I know that Stephenie Meyer had gone completely insane between the third and fourth books.
The book started out as expected. Bella and Edward, about to be married, Bella clawing at Edward to sleep with her and Edward reluctantly agreeing. I wasn't surprised; Meyer had been leading up to this moment for three books already, it was about time. However, the godawful consequences of allowing it – a half-demon baby? A mutated part-vampire pregnancy that kills Bella (had Edward not turned her, she would surely have died)? And then, when the child is born and Bella becomes a vampire, all the pre-established canon flies out the window.
Turning into a vampire was difficult; was painful and hard, for every member of the Cullen family, no matter how pious or prepared for the turn, no matter how openly they welcomed the change or how reluctantly they took their new supernatural burdens. But not for Bella. No, Bella gets to frolic around hours after she's turned; days later she can hang out with her very human father with not so much as a batted eyelash. Ridiculous.
And the wrenching angst of imprinting, portrayed so beautifully in the first three books by the difficult love triangle between Sam Uley and his ex, Leah, and his imprint, Emily... gone. No, in Breaking Dawn, imprinting wipes out all love for everything you ever felt love for. No longer is it difficult and wrenching and hard. No, it's simple. Simple as pie!
I had to put the book down once Bella was turned, I was just too disgusted by the appalling deviation from a set canon, not to mention the amateurish writing. Meyer's editors must have been handed a bombshell. I don't know if I should applaud them or condemn them for being able to put it into printing condition.
Okay, I realize this series is odd to begin with (trying to explain it to my husband is very interesting...), but this book has yanked odd in a whole new direction.
While the Twilight franchise isn't perfect, I found myself deeply enjoying each and every moment I had with it. The writing isn't the greatest but it doesn't have to be. You can practically feel the love Bella and Edward have for each other without needing extravagant words depicting it.
The subtle transformation Bella has when she's a vampire is the most well written thing. No more blushing or feeling embarrassed or being extremely shy. Bella was now outgoing and more herself than anything.
This series will always be so precious to me and this was the perfect ending.
I will say that I didn't particularly enjoy Jacob's section. He quickly became a least favorite character for me.
What I think each of the Cullens need:
•Carlisle-to go back to med school
•Emmett-to be asked where he was January 6th
•Jasper-Raegan Propaganda
•Edward-a copy of the feminine mystique
•Bella-a college level course on the Brontë Sisters
•Rosalie-a show on Fox News
•Alice-more shock therapy and a lobotomy
•Esme-white, Mormon influencer home in Utah
•Renésme-a five month long romance with a European artist when she inevitably studies abroad
The most dangerous, interesting, sexy, moving, and exciting of all of the Twilight series - I'm so glad I stuck with the series to get through to this excellent ending! I'm happy to see that Meyer had a purpose for making Jacob a creepily possessive stalker, although I still disagree with the message sent through the first three books. In escaping her humanity, Bella becomes so much less pathetic and simpering and so much more of a heroine - thank goodness. I was very pleasantly surprised with the wrap-up to the story - the author addressed all of my dislikes and brought the epic to a very satisfying conclusion.
Seré honesta. No creo que esta reseña logre ser lo suficientemente larga o detallada. Recibí mi copia de Sol de Medianoche faltándome aproximadamente 200 páginas para terminar Amanecer y mis inmensas ganas de leerlo ya, me hicieron concentrarme al máximo en terminarlo. En este momento, un día después y con el cierre de la historia de Edward, Bella y Jacob concluida, mi mayor interés es dejar mis principales pensamientos plasmados en texto y comenzar cuanto antes con ese nuevo libro.
I'll be honest. I don't think this review accomplishes to be long or detailed enough. I got my copy of Midnight Sun when I was approximately 200 pages from finishing Breaking Dawn and my inmense longing to read it already made me fully concentrate on finishing it. At this moment, one day later and with the end of the story of Edward, Bella and Jacob finally concluded, my biggest interest is to leave my main thoughts embodied in text and start the new book sooner rather than later.
A manera de breve resumen, esta entrega se divide en tres libros o tres historias principales: el inicio de la unión de Bella y Edward para siempre con su boda y los eventos consecuentes normales de una boda, el evento inesperado (el embarazo de Bella, llevando un ser más que mortal en su vientre) que pone de cabeza la vida de todos, visto desde el punto de vista de Jacob, y la conclusión del conflicto que el evento previo generó (con la llegada de los Vulturi a Forks para exterminarlos a todos).
As a brief summary, this installment is divided into three books or three main stories: the beginning of Bella and Edward's forever union with their wedding and the succeding events to a normal wedding, the unexpected event (Bella's pregnancy, carrying in her womb a being that's more than mortal) that turns everybody's life upside down, from Jacob's point of view, and the conclusion of the conflict generated by the previous event (with the Volturi's arrival to Forks to exterminate them all).
En general, considero que es un buen libro. Talvez a la par de Crepúsculo. La primera parte es puro amor y la verdad fue un deleite leerlo, mi yo de 15 años estaba suspirando de nuevo; para la segunda parte consideré seriamente no leerla y continuar con la última por el mal sabor de boca que me quedó de Jacob en los últimos dos libros, pero estoy contenta de reportar que fue mucho más agradable de lo que esperaba. Para esta entrega, los personajes ya se encontraban mejor desarrollados y maduraron considerablemente: Jacob ya no fue irritante, temperamental o manipulador todo el tiempo - o al menos no que yo lo notara. Bella también mejoró bastante; puedo decir que me cae mucho mejor Bella vampiro que Bella humana.
In general, I think it's a good book. Perhaps on par with Twilight. The first part is pure love and it was a true delight to read, my 15-year-old me was sighing again; for the second part I seriously considered not reading it and continue with the last part because of the unpleasant experience I had with Jacob in the last two books, but I'm happy to report that it was much more agreeable than I expected. For this installment, the characters were better developed and matured considerably: Jacob wasn't annoying, temperamental or manipulative all the time - or at least that I noticed. Bella also improved a good deal; I can say that I like her better as a vampire than as a human.
Finalmente, la tercera y final parte fue bastante entretenida y me sorprendí de que había varias cosas que no recordaba completamente. En parte, fue como leer el libro por primera vez.
Finally, the third and last part was fairly entretaining and I was surprised at several things that I didn't completely remembered. In part, it was like reading the book for the first time.
Relamente fue un libro entretenido, muy sencillo de leer y, en mi opinión, un desenlace perfecto para esta historia.
It was a really entretaining book, very easy to read and, in my opinion, the perfect ending for this story.
Me parece chistoso que siendo el libro más largo, sea la reseña más corta que he hecho de la saga. Creo que son demasiadas cosas como para cubrirlas en unas cuartas palabras y estas pocas que escribí abarcan en buena medida el sentimiento general. Definitivamente releeré la saga en unos años.
I think it funny that, being the longest book, is the shortest review I've written for the saga. I think there are too many things to cover in a few words and the few that I wrote largely encompass the general feeling. I'll definetly reread the saga in a few years.