It is a cautionary tale for all of us who live through social media; and Joe is a textbook psycho. Apart from that, it wasn't brilliantly executed - he doesn't seem so strong or smart as to get away with everything he did, for once - and I didn't connect with any of the charactersdeep enough to care.
Me surpreendi com muito da história que a gnt presume que sabe nem sei porquê. Ela conta da família e meios restritos, da eterna pergunta “eu sou boa o suficiente?” e busca pelo seu lugar, compara com Barack “vamos mudar o lugar “, conta das filhas in vitro e da horta de 260m2 que construiu na casa branca buscando a bandeira contra obesidade infantil. Fala do fascínio com a 👑 e das gafes que cometeu. É uma mulher.
I didn't love it because it is too short to fully appreciate his genius, and I enjoyed 3 out of the 4 stories - the last act is great and cruel, and the switcheroo seemed too alike the other one.