Average rating3.9
"Jack, I swear--"
this line gets me every time.
add The Wings by Gustavo Santaolalla to the mix and i'm crying my heart out.
Molto probabilmente ora mi toglierete dagli amici, scusatemi :')
Comunque non so, mi è sembrato un Harmony scadente scritto da una dodicenne :/ (ora sarei proprio curiosa di sapere che età aveva l'autrice lol)
Per quanto riguarda i dialoghi e lo svolgimento degli eventi (forse dipende dall'edizione che ho letto?) non mi hanno trasmesso nulla, probabilmente se ci avesse messo in mezzo la lista della spesa non me ne sarei accorta. Deludente!! :S
I picked this one up upon my daughter's recommendation. She read it in grad school recently and extolled the virtues of its stark, descriptive prose. It is 55 pages and yet tells an absolutely devastating story of forbidden love. I haven't seen the movie- of course I will now, having read this incredible work. I had an ulterior motive- I also knew it would fit one of my #52booksin52weeks prompts- Under 200 pages- check. brilliant, powerful storytelling- check. This is the gold standard of short stories.
Beau, simple, sans fioritures, très brut à l'image des deux protagonistes. Une histoire d'amour qui va au delà de l'orientation sexuelle, touchante et triste à la fois.
Why did I think this would be a good choice for my morning commute? Sweet baby Jesus! This was everything I remembered the movie to be and somehow more of a punch to the gut. I'm perpetually amazed at how a good writer can limn a whole lifetime of deeds and emotions in a few choice words. [a:Annie Proulx 1262010 Annie Proulx https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1219720509p2/1262010.jpg] is that kind of writer. As a bonus [a:Campbell Scott 251177 Campbell Scott https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/user/u_50x66-632230dc9882b4352d753eedf9396530.png] suffuses life into the characters of Ennis & Jack to point of making your heart bleed, reminding us he's a great actor. When Ennis says little darlin' I about bawled my eyes out on the train. It overshadows sheafs of ‘I love yous' in other stories. Is this a romance? Not in the genre sense. It is however a love story. A sad/tragic one given the state of who we are/have been as a species/society, but also touched by small moments of grace and companionship, which is all we ever wish for in the end.I'll definitely be doing this again and getting a print copy, just as soon as I recover.
Book Review: Brokeback Mountain by Annie Proulx
Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5)
Annie Proulx's “Brokeback Mountain” is a profoundly moving and beautifully written short story that leaves a lasting impact. Despite its brevity, the novel packs an emotional punch, capturing the deep and often tragic love between its two protagonists. The story is incredibly sad, and it resonated deeply with me, making me cry three separate times. The authenticity and raw emotion in Proulx's writing make it clear that this could have been a true story for many individuals, adding to the poignancy of the narrative. Reading “Brokeback Mountain” without having seen the movie meant the ending came as a surprise, which only heightened the emotional experience. The sense of loss and yearning is palpable, yet I find solace in believing that, in another life, these characters found each other again. Proulx's ability to convey such a powerful story in so few pages is a testament to her skill as a writer. “Brokeback Mountain” is a beautifully written and heart-wrenching read, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a deeply emotional and unforgettable story.