Average rating3.6
literally what the fuck
but in a good way lol
if you want your mind fucked, this is the one.
I wasn't sure if I was meant to interpret this book literally or figuratively, which just made the reading experience all the more interesting... This book reminded me why magic realism is my favourite genre.
I don't know how many times I have layed the book on my chest after reading a chapter and just said to myself “what the fuck, what the actual fuck just happened”. This whole book is like one big fever dream and it was excellent. I imagine someone could go on and on analysing every tiny little detail of this and tell you why it was brilliant. I just know that it was.
This is definitely not a book you want to read when you are having any sort of hallucination-ish symptoms of any kind. I learned that the hard way and put it away immediately. It definitely makes you think you are going insane. But I fucking love that.
One sentence synopsis... An outsider at a prestigious New England college finds herself in the thrall of a clique of four women who love Pinkberry yogurt, experimental prose, calling each other ‘Bunny', and performing dark magic to manifest their dream boys.
Read it if you like... ‘Heathers', ‘Carrie', ‘AHS: Coven', ‘Scream Queens' or ‘Jennifer's Body'. Dark comedy with an academic setting and dash of horror.
Dream casting... Emma Mackey as the Veronica/Cady Heron of the group, Samantha.
I'll be completely honest with you all.
I have absolutely no idea what I just read
Somehow this story literally involves dudes exploding yet still manages to be extremely boring. Probably 400 pages too long (on the Libby app anyway, where it is 550 pages) and frankly not scary at all??
Immediately after finishing this I am like... maybe I should reread it? I am going to be looking up threads to see what I missed in my own reading.
If you thought Bella Swan from Twilight was too charismatic and not whiny or spineless enough, boy are you in for a treat when you discover Samantha Mackey!
DNF after getting halfway. I just really couldn't get into it. It's boring, bizarre and I hated all of the characters except Jonah who was in like 10 pages total.
2.5 rounded up.
I didn't hate it but I found it to be way too long and repetitive. I really had a hard time getting invested in Samantha after a certain point, so much so that I kept forgetting her name like some of the characters did. By the time the big reveal came it was so predictable it just kinda fell flat.
Loved the premise and the setup but I didn't feel satisfied after reading it. I felt I was left with more questions.
really really weird but I vibe with it.
reminded me of myself in some uncomfortable ways.
2.5 stars. This was just bizarre. It's very cerebral and symbolic and maybe my exhausted little mind didn't quite appreciate it as it would have when I was a university student. I did enjoy the way Awad poked fun at The Arts and the ‘academic wankers' as we used to call them (people who got off on their own intellectual brilliance).
2021 Review:
This book was nothing and everything like I expected. But it surely was what I wanted it to be.
2023 Review:
So I read this as a buddy read and having read it before I was ready with all my annotation supplies. Well I think I went a little crazy trying to analyse this story, I truly felt like a conspiracy theorist.
The book lets you think you understand at least some part of it and then throws you for another loop.
If I described this book in three words, those would be:
- Desire
- Loneliness
- Spellbinding
These all come through in and from the main character, Samantha.
The Bunnies reminded me of a more cruel, demented, and murderous version of the Ashleys on Disney's Recess.