Average rating4.1
Satán entró en el club de striptease, bebé
Una lectura fresca y divertida. Un romance de oficina, a fuego con lento, con enemigos que se convierten en amantes y un protagonista muy gruñón.
El primer encuentro de Ally y Dominic, solo hay una forma de describirlo, CATASTROFICO. Se gritan en el restaurante en el que ella trabaja y terminan por despedirla.
Pero cuando al lunes siguiente Dominic encuentra que su madre ha contratado a Ally para trabajar en su revista de moda, la cosa se pone interesante. Porque, aunque se odien, no pueden negar la atracción que sienten el uno por el otro, bueno hacerlo lo hacen, y es de lo más divertido. Creo que no me he reído tanto con un libro, nunca.
Entonces, esta es la cosa, ninguno de los dos quiere salir con el otro. Ally lo esta pasando mal en casa y Dominic está atado por la política de empresa. Pero, aun así, les es imposible mantenerse las manos para ellos mismos. Bueno...ya veréis porque van a utilizarse las manos
Overall i liked it but i just had so many icks with it. Maybe i'm just being picky idk
my Kindle Unlimited trial ended before I could finish this book so ... Not worth continuing to read tho
I gobbled this book up in a couple of days! Dominic and Ally are one of my favorite couples in Lucy Score's writings. I'm a sucker for a strong female character and Ally doesn't take any shit, especially from Dom. The story is well written and an absolute gem.
My god I can't wait for this book!! WHY can I not pre-order yet? kicks and shoves Amazon
Ohhhh my god.
Okay so to start us off - read this if you like grumpy sunshine, enemies to lovers, workplace romance. Like this is such a classic trope but done SO WELL.
Dominic is so sexy. Those spicy scenes - ooooo baby.
No spoilers, but the GROVELLING. Had me in tears.
Love love love what this author does to me.
HILARIOUS and dirty
I could have done without the very explicit sex scenes but I was laughing from page one and thought it was HILARIOUS. Made it worth it! Funny as hell and great to read!
I think I really like Lucy Score books. Lol This was my second read from her. I loved the story. The ending felt kind of rushed, but the overall story and plot line and spiciness was really good. Looking forward to more of her books!