Average rating3.7
This is just bad.
DNF it nearly at the end - couldnt make myself even to read the ending, cause everything is good in this book - is setting.
Characters are bad, storytelling is bad, plot is bad, relationships are bad.
I've peaked to the spoilers of next books - it gets worse.
Scarlet is flat, she gets a little character growth, but the outcome of th situations she is in - i'd just told my sister and Julian and everyone else to go f themselves and tried to build my life forgetting all that horror and never ever knowing them again.
Cause what Donatella did is actually great, if it hadn't been made to her own sister - she should've been the main morally gray MC, but instead we are following steps of Scarlett.
Main problem of book is not even characters - they kinda okay, they look like people.
But plot, storytelling and meaning of all of the situations - it's all just a mess. Not the mess you wanna find yourself like in a sinister, tension, thrilling way. It's just a rollercoaster of nonconnected situations that grew from alice in wonderland to some freak fay-ish fantasy.
The settimg is good. Dark misterious circus and villian magicians - this is good, but author did the worst they could do.