Cover 5

Caravan of Shadows

1995 • 378 pages


Average rating3


The story follows a recently-dead boxer by the name Joey Castello, as he learns just what it means to die. The titular “Caravan of Shadows” doesn't become obvious until further into the book. It's primarily a story of self-discovery and growth, both for the main character and the primary supporting character of George.

I'm not very familiar with the Wraith setting in the World of Darkness series, but I think this novel does a good job of bringing it to life. It doesn't flood you with facts early on, but you learn about the world around the same time as Joey does.

The pacing of the plot is fine, although one can't help but feel that this a series of adventure arcs in a role-playing game (which it is). Aside from the main characters and the primary villain in the form of Doc Holliday, the story feels a little light on characterisation, with some even being relegated into nameless NPCs who are just tagging along.

The finale was a bit anti-climactic and it used a lucky break as a means of resolving the situation, so it didn't sit quite well with me. I was expecting a more “miraculous” (in the context of the plot) sort of victory. Oh well, the journey there was entertaining enough.

December 31, 2019Report this review