Average rating3.8
An interesting and fun read but I might have understood it more if I knew anything about bridge, which unfortunately I do not.
I enjoyed this in that it was a nice distraction, but I'm starting to feel like Agatha Cristie's stories are very much a formula.
It's rather boring, actually...
But - it is good Agatha Christie, with twists and murders and interesting characters and all that.
I am a bit bothered by Ariadne Oliver's “If a woman was the head of Scotland Yard...” and “a woman's intuition” and all that, because it's all just rubbish.
The conclusion was also a bit of a mess... Though I remember not thinking so the first time I read it :-D Maybe it does influence one to have read a mystery before :-D It wasn't quite as intriguing this time :-D
Oh, and of course, the racism... all those dagos and white men couldn't possibly behave in any dishonorable, unmanly manner X-]
Пуаро приглашает на ужин некий человек с говорящей фамилией Шайтана, который воображает себя неким Мефистофелем. По его собственному признанию, он коллекционирует истории преступников (убийц), которые ушли от правосудия, а значит, совершили идеальное убийство. Чтобы продемонстрировать свое хобби, он созывает на ужин четырех удачливых убийц, и четырех детективов в той или иной степени - Пуаро, инспектор Баттл, полковник Рейс и писательница Ариадна Оливер. За ужином происходит трагедия - убит сам хозяин вечера...