Average rating3.9
I don't think this is the strongest book in the series, but I am still enjoying the overall flow. I go back and forth on Eddings' treatment of female characters. Sometimes they are well-rounded and complex, and sometimes male characters threaten to spank their figureheads if they get out of line. It was probably meant as a joke, but I'm a bi sensitive to such “jokes' in the current climate.
It is nice to get to know Ce'Nedra better and watch her step out of her initial caricature, though I do wish she was a bit less “anything for Garson” inclined. Likewise, the witch of the fens is so consumed by maternal instinct that she's willing to sacrifice the natural order of the world. And Barak's wife (who has every justifiable reason to hate him) is suddenly softening now that she has had a son. There are just a few parts that leave a bad taste in my mouth.
I'll definitely finish the series, and hopefully resolve some of my conflicts with the characters.
I am somewhat bored with the story at this point, which is one of the dangers of reading an epic fantasy. I knew that the little boy would become the hero and defeat the bad guy, so... sometimes it gets tedious waiting for it to happen.
And I really wish that Polgara was more to this world than just a powerful sorceress. It seems to me that her mere presence over the past 6000 (or so) years should have resulted in a lot more gender equality. Instead, Polgara, who is wise and powerful and compassionate, is temperamental, bitchy, and is not seen as evidence that women can think. Fine, it's a story, but it doesn't add up to me and has been bothering me since book one. Thank goodness the other main female character isn't also temperamental to the max. Oh, wait. Nevermind.
But I liked the story anyhow, at least enough to look forward to finishing this arc with the next book. Just don't ask me what it was that I liked.
Finally, we're (mostly) back on track: Garion gets to know his place in the big picture, Ce'Nedra finally becomes a character and not some one-dimensional caricature and Belgarath shows some human feelings. Whenever we're not witnessing our heroes travelling but get to know them in their “natural habitat”, things get really interesting. I'm certainly never going to recommend “The Belgariad” to anyone but a teenager but at least this book made me actually want to finish the series instead of DNF'ing. I hope the fifth book doesn't make me regret my decision... Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram