Average rating3.6
I really loved reading this series but sadly this final book felt like a let down. It wasn’t as exciting or interesting as any of the books before it. Sadly, I was disappointed…
Did I seriously finish this 500+ pg book in one day? Yes, yes I did. Did I cry? Scream? Have heart palpitations over and over? Yes, yes and way too many times. Do I absolutely adore every single thing about this series, these characters and their stories? Why yes, yes I do.
I waited a long time to finally grab Cherish and finish off this series. I didn't want it to end and for me that is saying a lot. There aren't many series that I have fallen in love with like this one and man I'm ready to start this one all over again.
Even though I loved this one, I was actually hoping for more at the end. Just a tad more LOL. I felt like it was over too quickly despite all the action going on, but that seriously could have been me reading so fast the pages almost caught fire