Average rating3.9
Was great! Love this author. Inner struggles and coming of age trials, awesome!
It was fun to read this to continue the story set up in the first two books. Marillier's writing is great, but I didn't enjoy Fianne or her story as much as I did with Sorcha and Liadan.
This is my third Marillier book in a row and the fourth of hers I've read. I
This one is just as magical (in a literary sense) as the others and introduces new characters while bringing back old ones so you can see them moving on with their lives. I love the way these stories move generation by generation instead of picking up right where the last left off. This one is a bit different in that it's full on fantasy, albeit in a historical setting. The protag/narrator (protagnarator) is again a young woman struggling with her place in her family and the larger struggle of Sevenwatwers in the rapidly developing world of ninth century Britain and Ireland.
I did love this book, but I just didn't love it quite as much as the others. Around the last quarter I got the feeling I must have missed something. I couldn't quite figure out what everyone was fighting for at the end: it seemed like the conflict changed and then I wasn't sure what was going on. 4.5 stars.