The Fight for the World's Most Critical Technology
Average rating4.2
Really incredible and fascinating book. I loved learning about the history of the development of chips. While I thought I didn't like non-fiction, this changed my mind. The way it is written is really engaging and I never felt like I was being bored with history. Makes me want to become a semiconductor engineer. I found it so interesting how much intersection there is between engineering and politics. Its cool to see people theorize implications of technology that doesn't even exist yet, but predict will exist and then prepare for it like Qualcomm packing more data into radiowaves. Overall really fantastic book, would definitely recommend it to anyone!
It makes a convincing case that we should all be paying attention and that free market ideals conflict with national security. Ultimately, I enjoyed the Acquired podcast episode about TSMC more. Maybe I would have rated this higher if I had not previously listened to that episode.