Cinderella Is Dead

Cinderella Is Dead

2020 • 403 pages


Average rating3.4


As the title suggests, this book is based on the well known fairytale: Cinderella. We all know her, we know her story about the fairy who gave her a dress, glass shoes, a beautiful carriage to go to the palace and attend the ball. But what if that is not the true story, what if the books have been lying to us all along?

That's what this book is about. Sophia, the main character whos is Black and queer, is not happy in the world she lives in. It's a men's world, where girls and women don't have a say, they can't own a business or make their own money, they are abused and mistreated, they are considered weak and unimportant. But Sophia is tired of this and she really does want to change the world, starting with Lille, her home town. So this book is all about her smashing the patriarchy.

I liked the story and the whole idea of the book was really interesting, seeing this fairytale twisted into something bigger! Although, the only character that I really liked was Sophia. Constance, the girl she meets in Cinderella's tomb was so annoying and I couldn't stand her at first. I ended up not hating her, but I still didn't like her by the end of the book, for some reason. Erin, the girl Sophia was in love with, was just meh. I also felt like Sophia's feelings towards Constance were kinda rushed, I didn't feel the chemistry between them and I didn't feel like they would be a good match.
I feel like something is missing from this book, but I don't know what, it just didn't feel like a “wow” book to me.

July 13, 2021Report this review