Average rating4.4
Another great read in the series. A well constructed plot keeps you guessing throughout whilst there is still time to develop the central characters.
After the delight that “[b:Angels Flight 32502 Angels Flight (Harry Bosch, #6; Harry Bosch Universe, #8) Michael Connelly https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1440615586l/32502.SY75.jpg 2449470]” was, I was eager to delve into [a:Michael Connelly's 12470 Michael Connelly https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1539114448p2/12470.jpg] “[b:City of Bones 84777 City of Bones (Harry Bosch, #8; Harry Bosch Universe, #11) Michael Connelly https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1441057369l/84777.SY75.jpg 1128039]”, the eighth instalment in the Harry Bosch series. Although it did not quite live up to the intensely riveting and thrilling standards set by some of its predecessors, it still proved to be a very enjoyable read.»The point is, this doctor says it was just a kid, Harry. So could you humor us and go check out this humerus?”«From the onset, Connelly's writing style was as engaging as ever; as a result, the story was well-paced, providing a steady flow of intrigue and suspense that kept me turning the pages. However, I did find certain sections to be a bit lagging, lacking the heart-pounding intensity that I've come to expect from a Bosch novel.»Bosch almost laughed.“The department doesn't care about it. The department cares about the image, not the truth. And when the truth endangers the image, then fuck the truth.”“Well, I care, Harry. And so do you.”Bosch looked down at the card and nodded and put it in his pocket.“Okay, I'll call you.”«Harry remains a compelling character. Connelly continues to explore Bosch's complex personality, delving into his psychological makeup and personal life, which adds depth to the narrative. Bosch's unyielding determination and relentless pursuit of justice are admirable, making him a true master of his craft. However, I found his character development in this book to be somewhat stagnant compared to earlier instalments.»Don't go existential on me, Harry. The important thing is that it means something to you. And if it means something to you, then it is important to do what you can.«The supporting characters were well-developed and added colour to the story. Connelly does a fantastic job of creating multi-dimensional characters that feel real and authentic. However, some of the secondary characters felt underutilised, and I would have liked to see them play a more significant role in the plot, e. g. Julia whose storyline felt unfinished... »“By the way, I'm Julia Brasher. I'm new in the division.”- “Harry Bosch.”“I know. I've heard of you.”- “I deny everything.”«Ultimately, if you're a fan of the Harry Bosch series, this book is definitely worth a read. If you're new to Bosch, consider “[b:Angels Flight 32502 Angels Flight (Harry Bosch, #6; Harry Bosch Universe, #8) Michael Connelly https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1440615586l/32502.SY75.jpg 2449470]” instead.Four stars out of five.»“Somebody once told me that life was the pursuit of one thing. Redemption. The search for redemption.”“For what?”“For everything. Anything. We all want to be forgiven.”Blog Facebook Twitter Mastodon Instagram Pinterest Medium Matrix TumblrCeterum censeo Putin esse delendam