Cloaked in Shadow
2017 • 330 pages


Average rating4


A fun and entertaining new fantasy series featuring different kinds of elves and elemental magic. The writing is very easy flowing and I almost finished this in a single sitting.

Zac is a very relatable protagonist and it was great to see an MC with such great magickal powers also get overwhelmed and show his vulnerabilities to those closest to him. Hadrian is the perfect prince - charming, powerful, compassionate and so so sweet. These two were just amazing together. The development of their relationship from friends to more is written beautifully and their interactions are flirtatious and swoony. I'm totally in love with them.

The plot is very quick paced, with elaborate action sequences occurring frequently, which kept me on my toes. The ending is explosive but I think I saw it coming; it still broke my heart and I can't wait to read what happens next.

June 10, 2018Report this review