Close Protection
2012 • 890 pages

WTF?!?! What just happened? I just got off the crazy train and I'd get back on in a heartbeat.I hadn't read the blurb, because really? it's [a:Cordelia Kingsbridge 5781497 Cordelia Kingsbridge], so who cares. Somehow I thought it was some kind of political thriller, mostly because my brain tricked me into believing it was the White House on the cover, but it was so much better. It's a thriller/romance about a poor little rich boy and his bodyguard. Deliciously bad wrong and at times utterly ludicrous. I loved it. A couple of pointers to enjoy this at full steam:*Accept that Luca's milkshake will bring all the boys to the playground. And I mean ALL THE BOYS: Old, young, straight, gay, ugly, handsome ... maybe even the dead. It's just how it is and I think it's a glorious thing. *Be ready for a long ass read and I mean Russian novel long. Some of it is repetitive, some may not advance the narrative, but you won't get hurt in the process.*Suspension of disbelief is also required. I mean the level of maturity displayed by Luca, in all aspects of his life, after a bit of internet research he's pretty much a Dom? is possible but not probable. The whole threat to Luca, its origin, and execution? There were bad guys coming out of the woodwork like orcs during The Battle of Helms Deep Whatevs. None of the above ruined my enjoyment of this book.Luca is, much to his chagrin, an 18 year-old enfant terrible. After having been expelled from three boarding schools in Europe, where he's been living in a sort of protected exile after his father was murdered, he's being brought home by his formidable mother. It turns out that Luca is more than a handful and his weapon of choice is sex. Sex gives him power but it's also a crutch. Obviously the solution is making Jacob Ryder the head of his close protection. Ryder is a 28 year-old, decorated army vet who also happens to be a perfect blend of Hulk and Adonis. Those concerned with morality & consent CK has got you covered. This is a super slow burn between Luca & Ryder. They don't get together, not really, until 60% plus. The sexual tension is thick and palpable and there are a couple of beyond flirtatious encounters, but those are tempered by heavy guilt and “never again” on Ryder's part. Luca not so much. In the meantime we get to know the characters, they get to know each other, and particularly in the case of Luca, know themselves. The bulk of the story concerns an ongoing threat to kidnap Luca, but I just took it as fodder or background to the growing and evolving relationship between Ryder & Luca. Flimflam which is logical within itself but ultimately doesn't matter. What I really loved about this story was the undeniable chemistry between the MCs, the sex positivity, the accurate representation of mental health, and it's proper care. That the women in this story were all kick-ass and don't suffer fools. I include in this list of women Evelyn, Luca's mom, who is portrayed as cold or perhaps unsympathetic. In my estimation she's perhaps not the warmest parent, but she has done and will do anything and everything to keep her son safe. As for the rest, she is no more or less ruthless than any other business man. I loved the vast cast of characters, most of whom are competently sketched out: sweet Ashton, Shioban, Morgan, even Jo Spitzer. They populate Luca's world in a credible way. The cherry on top is the sexual dynamic in the bedroom between Luca & Ryder: SIZZLING and perhaps surprising but so, so, so GOOD. My favorite thing: The three little words are never uttered. Not at as such. Brilliant..You can read this at a telenovela pace if you wish but why would you? Take the ride. You won't be sorry.