Average rating3.5
I AM HAVING SO MANY FEELINGS!!! Just AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! That was SO beautiful!!! I read 235 pages from it in One sitting, and it's been a while since a book has had me doing that!!! It was written so well and I LOVED how it differed from the movie!!! This made me hate Hans even more than the movie did XD And the way Elsa's grief and pain was written? SPECTACULAR!!!! I loved Everything about this book, and I honestly think it's my favorite of the Twisted Tales series (Though [b:As Old As Time 28450966 As Old As Time Liz Braswell https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1459963718l/28450966.SY75.jpg 48577872] is an Extremely close second)!!! I Seriously recommend reading this if you like retellings or fantasy, because this was just WONDERFUL to read!!!
Very very interesting twist to the original. Sorry in advance if this review reveals spoilers.
I found it interesting how Hans proposes to Elsa first but i love how elsa's character holds true to her intuition and can read peoples intent well. I do find it interesting the spin on the sister not knowing each other exist. Definitely interesting the adopted parents. I still love olaf like whoa and kristoff felt like a different perspective. Overall really liked this one.