Crooked Kingdom
2016 • 560 pages


Average rating4.4


As much as I HATED THAT THE AUTHOR DECIDED TO KILL MATTHIAS (I shipped him and Nina so hard. And he was still young. IT WAS UNFAIR. I think the death was unnecessary since HE HAS SUFFERED ENOUGH IN HELLGATE), I enjoyed this book. Even more so than the first book. It was also well-written just like the first one. The plot was gripping (especially the ending!); it was filled with action and great dialogues throughout the story. Some of my favorite parts were Wylan's chapters; his What am I doing here? lines, that genius plan of theirs, and that scene where Jesper accidentally kissed Kuwei. I was laughing so hard. Let's not forget when Jeslan actually kissed (marry each other already you two.)

You wouldn't regret reading the series; I would reread it sometime. Looking forward to the third book; I miss the characters already.

July 22, 2020Report this review