Average rating3.7
Burned-out private dick Michael McGill needs to jump-start his career. What he gets instead is a cattle prod to the crotch. The president's heroin-addicted chief of staff wants McGill to find the Constitution—the real one the Founding Fathers secretly devised for the time of gravest crisis. And with God, civility, and Mom's homemade apple pie already dead or dying, that time is now. But McGill has a talent for stumbling into every imaginable depravity—and this case is driving him even deeper into America's darkest, dankest underbelly, toward obscenities that boggle even his mind.
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Unfunny, boring, and just downright weird. If Warren Ellis was looking for a comedy angle with oddball humor, he greatly missed the mark. I only finished it because it was only 5-hours on audio.
This book (the paperback version anyway), is 277 pages that feels like 150. I'm not saying that's necessarily a good thing, but it is a quick read.
The plot, such as it is, feels to me like an over simplified scaffolding from which the author was able to hang his depravity and infatuation with the absurd and perverse. The unfortunate thing is that the scenes and descriptions of deviant sexual behavior and bodily functions both human and inhuman pretty much always felt gratuitous. I say it's unfortunate because these elements are what constituted most of this short work. The smaller part of the novel was devoted to developing the two main characters, who were both, by the end of the novel fairly well defined.
Where the author had opportunities to explore the humanity of the sub-characters involved, he largely missed out. For the most part, his treatment of the perverse activities and their participants was superficial, despite being graphically descriptive. There were a few instances where he'd flesh out a sub-character and delve a bit, but for the most part, they were cardboard cutouts.
As for the main characters and their arc, he did much better. The main character, Mike, is a somewhat older, insecure but self-assured private dick, with poor luck and few friends. When the book opens, he's very much in a place where things happen to him. By the close, he has progressed to the point where he's exerting more control over his own life.
Trix, his companion, starts the book as a run-of-the-mill enlightened, semi-mystic, street-smart, liberated young woman. Her arc is smaller, leaving her at the end of the novel giving up some of her independence.
If you're a fan of Ellis, you'll undoubtedly enjoy this book, though you may end up wishing for a little less shock and a little more substance. If you're really a fan of Ellis, you may think I'm an idiot. If you're not a fan of Ellis, well... maybe you should pick up a few trades of Transmetropolitan first to get your toes wet.
Warren Ellis is a sick little monkey, and if you're not a fan of sick little monkeys, or of gratuitous (or even appropriate) filth, muck, and depravity, then you might want to think twice before picking this one up. The book is good, but not good enough that you need to subject yourself to it if you're somewhat easily offended.
Mike McGill on yksityisetsivä. Pinkertonin Chicagon toimistossa nuori mies oli menestys, mutta muutto New Yorkiin ja oman toimiston perustaminen tekee McGillistä friikkimagneetin: hän saa vain täysin pimeitä tapauksia. Kuten vaikkapa keski-ikäisten miesten seksikultteja, jotka murtautuvat keskellä yötä strutsifarmeille. Vaan sitten tulee se kaikista pimein tapaus.
McGillin luokse tulee yllätysvierailulle Yhdysvaltain presidentin totaalisen vinksahtanut kansliapäällikkö, jolla on tarjota hämmästyttävä tehtävä: McGillin on löydettävä Yhdysvaltain kadonnut vaihtoehtoinen perustuslaki, jonka avulla täysin perverssiksi muuttunut maa saadaan palautettua ruotuun ja perinteiset arvot kunniaan.
Tehtävä ei ole helppo, mutta McGill on juuri oikea mies työhön. Alkaa matka halki Amerikan läpeensä perverssin puolen, kirja kun on kiertänyt kaiken maailman kummajaiselta toiselle. Sanotaan vaikka näin, että tässä kirjassa on kaikenlaisia ideoita ja värikkäitä seksuaalisuuden muotoja, jotka voivat järkyttää herkempiä lukijoita.
Takakannessa kirjaa kehuvat Joss Whedon, William Gibson ja Kinky Friedman. Näistä varsinkin Gibsonin kehut eivät yllätä, sillä tarinassa on gibsonmaista draivia ja modernin maailman ymmärtämistä. Crooked Little Vein on hykerryttävän hauska, napakasti potkiva, sopivasti vastenmielinen, vauhdikas ja kaikinpuolin yksi vuoden 2009 parhaista osumista. Loppu vain tulee vähän liiankin nopeasti, tarinaa olisi saanut jatkaa pidempäänkin.
Loistava kirja, suosittelen! (22.9.2009)