Average rating4.3
Loveeeedddd it! Erm not much to say other than it is great. A perfect follow up from the last book and yet a great set-up for what's to come. I personally couldn't put it down! I was so invested in the story line and the characters, it was truly amazing.
I have to say Chaol I am starting to distance from (I still l love him though!) as his actions don't follow the deep amount of emotion he is meant to have. For example, I needed more turmoil about her being an assassin, more turmoil about his loyalties that tear him in different directions to Dorian, Celaena and the King as well as more turmoil about returning home.
The fantasy bores me though as in the creatures aren't special that will make me remember them. There is nothing distinctive about this world than any other fantasy novel.
The elements of town needed to be explored more I think because as much as we have heard about the negative impacts of the King's takeover, we have yet to experience it. A great time would have been when she was stalking the Archer. The idea of him being a whore due to the desperate times as well as gut-wrenching stories that he has experienced whilst we still care for him could have been explored. This could have helped add to a reason behind his need for revenge against the king to make him kill Nehemia. This could have been developed into a much more enticing storyline and she could have visited the town to see the suffering. Thus far, the only true violence we have seen is the slaughter of the 500 men, but it was distant to us a reader as we had no connection to them and Endovier which I believe hasn't been as influential on her life as Mass is trying to portray. She should have nightmares detailing murder, rape, abuse and manipulation that is so intense, the reader cries out at her memories.
Furthermore, we switched to the King's perspective and it wasn't eerie enough for my liking. I wanted shivers at the thought process of the King rather than a forgettable moment.
However, all that being said, I loved the addition of the Mort and would love to see this being developed, it is an easy read that does get you hooked, I love Chaol even though he isn't living up to his potential and finally I adore the revenge and betrayal that I believe is flawless and executed beautifully.