Average rating4
Estou dando quatro estrelas mas com um misto de sentimentos que nem sei explicar. Começando que eu não sei explicar nem o que acabei de ler. Acabei pegando alguns spoilers do livro anterior, mas nada que atrapalhasse o andamento da leitura. No final das contas, apesar da confusão entre mistérios, reflexões e muitas pessoas diferentes e iguais ao mesmo tempo, gostei bastante de conhecer a escrita de Murakami. Acho que nem fez sentido o que escrevi aqui. :)
???I can't really justify my love of Murakami. As far as I'm concerned, he writes novels specifically for me to read them. It would probably save us both a lot of time and trouble if he'd skip the publishing process and just slip his finished manuscripts under my door. So I'm biased, you could say.???
5 things i want to say about this book
1. I fucking love this guy's writing style. i would read a book of his about watching paint dry.
2. He should be in fucking prison. Someone needs lock this mf up expeditiously. his self insert main characters' descriptions of and interactions with female minors are, at best, concerning...
3. All the female characters want to have sex with the MC. Lol. Not complaining about sex in his books, it's a big part of what they're all about, and sex can very well be a great catalyst for feelings, realizations, changes in stories. But, lol.
4. He really got bored with his own plot not even halfway through - the book literally abandons its starting premise and cast of characters. Nothing leads anywhere. Like going out for a drive. Going nowhere. Just taking a stroll.
5. issues notwithstanding, i still think this is a banger. had fun reading.
Some troubling elements. I didn't like the whole mentoring the kid thing. It was less exciting than wild sheep chase. Felt too dragged on. And at the I didn't feel as satusfied as the other one.
Overall an alright end to the four book saga.
Lo dico subito, Murakami in questo libro non mi ha convinto.
Mi sono piaciute molto le atmosfere ma la trama mi è sembrata assente.
Another fantastic Murakami book! I rated it only 4 stars because of how crude the book can be at times. There is a lot of explicit content in Dance Dance Dance, which I did not appreciate at all. Still, I suppose it had its place in the book. I would still highly recommend it!
I have no idea how it happens, but I am enchanted with Murakami's books. He possesses this rare skill to create a world which is both real and surreal, oneiric in the same time. This particular one, as most of others I read, on it's surface seems to be just a story of a relatively average Joe involved in some fairly unusual situations. However, on the deeper level, it is almost a philosophical story on the meaning of live, on our place in the society, on life and death (as is typical for Murakami), what motivates us, etc. It doesn't give any answers, which is good. Each and everyone of us have different problems and deals with them in a different way. Here the author tries to show us multiple angles of problems and society (actually also bashing consumerism a couple of times) through the eyes of the protagonist. A protagonist, who doesn't judge, even in some extreme situations.