Danganronpa, the animation

Danganronpa, the animation


Average rating4


16 ultimate students trapped inside of a killing game forced to kill each other. But only a few will survive.

*If you actually want to read this manga or any other manga go to Mangakisa, you'll be able to actually read them there.*
(i don't think you can actually read it here so-)

probably a spoiler -
MuKuRo IkUsAbA tHe SiXtEeNtH sTuDeNt LyInG sOmEwHeRe HiDdEn In ThIs ScHoOl ThE oNe ThEy CaLl ThE UlTiMaTe DeSpAiR. wAtCh OuT fOr HeR. - literally everyone in the danganronpa fandom 2020

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It's my favorite anime so naturally I love this manga. My favorite character is Monokuma of course.

April 19, 2022