

2018 • 448 pages


Average rating4.3


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4.4 ✨
This whole series in general is in incredible and it might join Kristoff's Empire of Vampires in my top 10 ever read! This book was just too much for me in some areas to give 5 stars though. First off there was so much going on in the ending that I wasn't really certain what happened. I got the gist of the ending but not enough to be wowed.
Second of all there was a pretty graphic homo sex scene that was a bit much for my taste.
Also the love interest between Mia and Ash at the end of the last book seemed more like a teenage lust relationship more than down right love and then this book portrays it like they've been together for decades and would end their life for the other one which is pretty surprising knowing what they went through the past couple books.
But all this is superficial issues. When Kristoff got down to the nitty-gritty it was so good that I finished this book in two days!

December 12, 2022