Dating Down

Dating Down

2016 • 217 pages


Average rating1


This book was provided to me by NetGalley for free in exchange for an honest review.

I am going to start off by saying that writing what happens in a teenage girls head is extremely difficult. I am sure it is the same with a young guy's but I can't say I am an expert in that. This book was extremely difficult to get through. I basically had to force myself to keep going back because everything was just so over-the-top. Obviously everyone feels differently, but I felt that it was almost insulting to teenage girls the way this girl was fawning all over this guy. Yes when I was younger, of course I liked the bad boys and wanted to “fix” them. What happened to me and all of my friends that felt like this is that eventually we matured and grew up and out of it. We realized that it was not possible or not worth our time. However, this girl would just continue to take a situation and make the stupidest decision associated with it. Hmmm I am missing the necklace, oh he must have it but I won't tell anyone because I don't want to get him in trouble. Even when they were at the POLICE STATION she still felt like she was going to get him in trouble over some stupid little misunderstanding. AND HE WAS THE EXACT SAME! He didn't want to hurt her, even if it meant ruining his whole life. It was just too much unbelievable-ness. The only part that I actually thought was well written was when he was on the ground dying after being stabbed. It felt real. Everything before and after that moment was just completely unbelievable and over-exaggerated.

September 3, 2018Report this review