Average rating3.7
Believe it or not, this was above average writing, especially given the distinctly “mass market” target audience.
Against the monotony, beaurocracy, and often forlorn nature of military life is a first person view of love and the human condition. Albeit a small view, the emotions we readers explore are vivid, even to our chagrin. Empathetic readers will find appreciation for the characters, while readers sympathetic to John and Savannah will identify.
Sparks' ability to portray the life of an active duty Army soldier was admirable and decidedly more accurate than most authors. He avoids much of the common pitfalls, save for his one-time use of the term “boot camp” as opposed to “basic training.”
The entire story is written from John's perspective and I had not expected that from a romance novel.
Finally, I wish Sparks had not used the word “for” in the classical way. Such as: It bothered me, for I found myself tripping over the unnecessary stylisation.