Average rating3.7
The first Nicholas Sparks novel I read was The Notebook, which unfortunately dissapointed me, I was expecting it to be more impressive and to leave a more lasting impression on me which it failed to do so.
I did however decide to try another Sparks novel before casting him as an author I disliked, initially I wasn't too sure I would like this novel, but it definitely interested me more, the furthur I read, I found myself wanting to read more and more, and wondering how it would end up.
I found that it was easier to believe in the love shared between John and Savannah, it seemed more legitimate and real. I read the last 100 pages or so without putting the book down, and even though the ending wasn't what I initially wanted, I found that it fit the story, it satisfied me.
I would definitely recommend this book for anyone unsure of their feelings for Sparks novels, or anyone who likes a good romance story.
Believe it or not, this was above average writing, especially given the distinctly “mass market” target audience.
Against the monotony, beaurocracy, and often forlorn nature of military life is a first person view of love and the human condition. Albeit a small view, the emotions we readers explore are vivid, even to our chagrin. Empathetic readers will find appreciation for the characters, while readers sympathetic to John and Savannah will identify.
Sparks' ability to portray the life of an active duty Army soldier was admirable and decidedly more accurate than most authors. He avoids much of the common pitfalls, save for his one-time use of the term “boot camp” as opposed to “basic training.”
The entire story is written from John's perspective and I had not expected that from a romance novel.
Finally, I wish Sparks had not used the word “for” in the classical way. Such as: It bothered me, for I found myself tripping over the unnecessary stylisation.
It was an interesting read. It reminded me of the style of the 50s. No swear words, no explicit sex, no violence. It was sweet and compelling.
Normally, every book I review gets 5 stars. I'm usually very impressed if anyone writes a successful story. DEAR JOHN is an anomaly for me. It's a successful story, but I'm only giving it four stars because. . .
I was excited to read a romance, even one titled DEAR JOHN which didn't sound successful, because the author was a guy. I wanted to get his take on love. However, I felt like he wasn't truthful. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard or judgmental on Nicholas Sparks. After he is a guy. He wrote it. He ought to know about love from a man's point of view. More so that I do.
However, I felt cheated on two points. One, he didn't seem all that anxious to have sex with his girlfriend. Not in the typical guy sense. Oh several occasions he put it off and told her no. Two, when they did have sex, he described as “we had sex” (well, basically) and then went on with his story.
So, it's a heartfelt tale, for the most part, but I felt cheated when it came to John's true feelings. As if he hid from then when it mattered most. Maybe that's just me.