61 Books
See allThis was one of those books that I kept seeing everywhere. So figured it was time to actually read it.
I was worried that it wouldn't live up to the hype in my head, I'm so glad I was wrong. A couple of the plot twists took me by surprise and I definitely didn't see the end coming. So I really really enjoyed it. Definitely one of those books I think everyone would enjoy
4⭐️, I did enjoy it but honestly I felt like it dragged a little in some spots.
The biggest reason I actually continued reading was because I was on holidays and didn't have another book with me. Overall I did enjoy it, I just think it would have been just as good if it was 100 pages shorter
I was curious to read this after watching the Netflix series. Something about the book just doesn't sit right. It's first hand, so obviously a little biased. However, its riddled with speculations, theories and seems more like a venting journal entry than something worth publishing. I didn't like Rachel from the start and unfortunately my opinion didn't change
I had reservations about the fact that there's so many perspectives being told in this story.
It was hard initially to get used to, but after a few chapters it was fine. There was a good few different plot twists, not all of which were believable. It was made a 5⭐️ read by two plot twists. One was at the end where it was revealed who was the murderer. I'm not sure why but I didn't see it being that character, but I was so taken by surprise. There's another twist during the book that just had me shocked. Those two things alone made it a 5⭐️
The first Nicholas Sparks novel I read was The Notebook, which unfortunately dissapointed me, I was expecting it to be more impressive and to leave a more lasting impression on me which it failed to do so.
I did however decide to try another Sparks novel before casting him as an author I disliked, initially I wasn't too sure I would like this novel, but it definitely interested me more, the furthur I read, I found myself wanting to read more and more, and wondering how it would end up.
I found that it was easier to believe in the love shared between John and Savannah, it seemed more legitimate and real. I read the last 100 pages or so without putting the book down, and even though the ending wasn't what I initially wanted, I found that it fit the story, it satisfied me.
I would definitely recommend this book for anyone unsure of their feelings for Sparks novels, or anyone who likes a good romance story.