Death at Dartmoor (Victorian Mystery)

Death at Dartmoor (Victorian Mystery)

I picked this up secondhand without having read the rest of the series first. I have, however, read other books by sort-of the same author (the wife of this husband/wife team). I found that it was easy to pick the book up–what backstory I needed, I got–and I did really enjoy the interpretation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as a character.

However, this book is written in a close third-person where the perspective shifts between several characters with each chapter. It's easy to follow, but personally, the style isn't for me; it prevents me from feeling that strong attachment to one or just a few characters, which I love. The narrative is naturally a bit decentralized. I'm in awe of the authors for being able to keep track of all their characters (and who knew what when!) but it's not my favorite way to read a mystery, I've realized.

February 17, 2023Report this review