Cover 3

Deities and Demigods

Deities and Demigods



Average rating2


This sourcebook is not much more than stat blocks of really powerful creatures. Worse, the way it's presented, as four separate pantheons, any typical campaign isn't going to be using more than one pantheon, unless we're talking Planescape.

While the pantheons are well presented and a summary given of the dogma and clergy of each deity, the focus should really have been to expand the dogma and clergy, not merely as a summary. The sourcebook itself acknowledges that it's highly unlikely there'd be a campaign where the stat blocks of deities would even be useful. Much more common would be player characters interacting with the followers of deities.

On the plus side, the sourcebook starts off with rules and guidelines and how to construct your own pantheon and to define the nature of divinity. This is what's really useful. What's missing would be how a religion or organisation would form around the worship of a deity, especially for fledgling deities - there are parts on ascension, but very little actual detail on what really happens; just very general information.

For what it presents, it's pretty good. But for what it should have presented, to be much more useful, it's pretty bad.

March 7, 2015Report this review