Cover 7

Diary of a Teenage Taxidermist

Diary of a Teenage Taxidermist

2014 • 204 pages


Average rating2.3


Contains spoilers

I dropped this book at around... two chapters in, if I remember correctly. I forgot the names of the main characters instantly so I'm going to refer to them as The Taxidermist and The Bully.

At first, this book made me really, really sad. I was so upset for The Taxidermist, he was relentlessly bullied, he literally ran for his life, he was terrified about what his bullies might do to him if they catch him. And they did catch him. I was honestly so upset and so sad for him.

Then I got angry. After a life altering injury, The Bully told to The Taxidermist's parents that he was his friend while he was in the hospital in a coma. When he woke up, instead of calling him out on his bullshit, The Taxidermist asks the bully to blow him once a week (I think it was once a week) and at this point I forgot about my sadness and I was enraged. What kind of logic is that? The Bully should have been called out on it at least, not rewarded for almost killing someone!

After I talked about it with a friend who did read it, and I also checked out some reviews, it was clear to me that the toxicity levels in this book were way too high for me.

So there, I cannot read this. No, thank you.

January 20, 2022Report this review