Dirty Heart
2016 • 204 pages


Average rating5


Okay. I can't believe I procrastinated so much in writing this review. I guess the writing and posting of it would make the end of the series real. Finite. And I sooo did not want this to end. Because Cole McGinnis is just The. Best. Boyfriend. Ever.Fair is fair and we can't be selfish and expect Cole to continue to struggle with his past and be shot at on every case he takes. The man has only so much non-lethal places to be hit.In any case this was a perfect way to bring all of Cole's past and present and future relationship with Jae Min full circle. I love how [a:Rhys Ford 4968409 Rhys Ford https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1308678470p2/4968409.jpg] brought in everyone from their lives: Mike & Maddie and their wonderful relationship, Claudia and her loving self, Scarlett the most beautiful woman ever and most of all the tangible, vibrating love between Cole & Jae Min. It's a beautiful thing. But most of all there is Cole McGinnis. I know he's a guy from fiction and he's gay but jeeze louise!!! I love him. He is the perfect blend of attributes, quirks and flaws to make a perfect book boyfriend and of course he's easy on the eyes and as an extra super bonus we've gotten him in the voice of [a:Greg Tremblay 8108759 Greg Tremblay https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1484561919p2/8108759.jpg] Genius.BTW: Greg Tremblay gets a badass character named after him in this book and that is way cool.

June 12, 2016Report this review