Dividing Eden
2017 • 336 pages


Average rating3


Dividing Eden is a little trite - it's the typical teens must compete for the throne kind of fantasy, but this time it's twins who are both guarding each other's terrible secrets. You don't LEARN their terrible secrets until almost 100 pages in, which was frustrating because they were alluded to multiple times before finally revealed to the reader. I almost stopped reading, I was so frustrated at the mention - AGAIN - of Andreus' DARK SECRET THAT NO ONE MUST EVER KNOW. Seriously. Don't do that to your readers.

The fact that they were protecting each other's secret while competing against each other for the throne was rather unique, and while I don't like Andreus much, I did enjoy Carys and her friends enough that I'll probably pick up the sequel when it comes out this June.

Everything happened very quickly, but that tends to be the case in YA. Adult fantasy seems to take its time and develop its characters more fully, which I enjoy.

The windmills and electricity was surprising, and I'd really like to know more about their religion of Virtues, and the Wind and Seeing Magic. I wish she had described her forest monsters a little earlier; they were only referred to by name for most of the book and I was left wondering if they were monsters or human raiders of some sort!

Verdict is - it's typical YA fantasy. If you're looking for a quick read, you might enjoy it.

You can find all my reviews at Goddess in the Stacks.

February 24, 2018Report this review