Cover 0

Doctor Who



Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

(As a side-note, I avoided naming the companion in my review for the preceding 6th Doctor story, since it's a spoiler for something earlier in the line. But she's on the cover of this one, so it's high time to put that concern away).

The Doctor becomes trapped in a Victorian melodrama, in a story with connections back to the first ever Big Finish release (before they even had the Doctor Who licence) Oh No It Isn't! Here, the story is not quite as bonkers as that, although it's certainly good fun, and moves along at a fair pace. It makes good use of some of Charlie's more idealistic/romantic tendencies, albeit emphasised by the nature of the world she's trapped in.

It is an enjoyable listen, if nothing too complex - although that does rather fit the “melodrama” theme, to be fair. The beginning is actually a little weak, being somewhat over-played for laughs, but it soon picks up as the more meta-fictional elements take over.

September 14, 2015Report this review