Eight hundred grapes

Eight hundred grapes

2015 • 359 pages


Average rating3.9


What lovely escapism! This book hasn't been on my radar, but when I scrolled past it and saw Laura Dave's name, I had to give it a go. I loved [b:The Last Thing He Told Me 54981009 The Last Thing He Told Me Laura Dave https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1603034599l/54981009.SY75.jpg 85761718], and though different genres, I ended up loving this, too. Georgia returns home for the vineyard's harvest upon discovering her fiancé hasn't been completely honest with her. Once with her family, she realizes how out of the loop she's been and arrives to change after change. She takes it upon herself to try and fix her parents' and brothers' problems, putting her own on the back-burner as much as she can. There are touching moments, funny moments, and lots of wine.The most probable book? No. But as I said, it was good escapism and in a beautiful setting. I've been wanting a fluffier read and this turned out to be a pleasant surprise.

July 22, 2022Report this review