Average rating3.6
3.5 stars
I needed something light and easy to read after several heavy reads and in came Psyche and Eros. This was the palate cleanser I needed. It didn't require anything of me and it gave what it needed to give. Did it have better world building than the first book? Nope. But, let's be honest, nobody is reading this for the world building and that book had next to none anyways. Would I have liked it? Yes because I'm a heaux for a whole new world a la Jasmine but again, all I needed was a palate cleanser.
While I do like the story of the OG Psyche and Eros, I didn't expect to find them as cute as I did. I mean as a couple...Eros could've been Any Man really. I had eyes for Psyche though. We love a plus sized beauty. I didn't dislike Eros. I just wasn't fawning over him...with that being said we also love a man who knows how to eat cough cough. Oh yea the sex was delectable af.
Also..in case anyone cares (AND I DID), Hades and Persephone make a cameo so YAY FOR MY BABIES SHOWING UP.