Average rating3.6
(3.5 stars, rounding down.) Enjoyed the marriage of convenience trope here, but this didn't really have the heat level I've come to expect from Katee Robert - it's still definitely high heat, but nonetheless it's a step down from [b:Neon Gods 54659771 Neon Gods (Dark Olympus, #1) Katee Robert https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1610505010l/54659771.SX50.jpg 85280448] (though most things would be, honestly). I wanted a little bit of a slower burn from marriage to actually falling for each other, and I wanted a little more development of Eros as a character - I don't need on-page murdering or whatever, but some more about why he keeps calling himself a monster would be good. Having said that, I do love Psyche and I also love the relationship between all the women in her family, as fraught as it is sometimes. Eurydice better get herself a book, just saying.
3.5 stars
I needed something light and easy to read after several heavy reads and in came Psyche and Eros. This was the palate cleanser I needed. It didn't require anything of me and it gave what it needed to give. Did it have better world building than the first book? Nope. But, let's be honest, nobody is reading this for the world building and that book had next to none anyways. Would I have liked it? Yes because I'm a heaux for a whole new world a la Jasmine but again, all I needed was a palate cleanser.
While I do like the story of the OG Psyche and Eros, I didn't expect to find them as cute as I did. I mean as a couple...Eros could've been Any Man really. I had eyes for Psyche though. We love a plus sized beauty. I didn't dislike Eros. I just wasn't fawning over him...with that being said we also love a man who knows how to eat cough cough. Oh yea the sex was delectable af.
Also..in case anyone cares (AND I DID), Hades and Persephone make a cameo so YAY FOR MY BABIES SHOWING UP.
I was over the moon when I was given this ARC to review. This was my next most anticipated book by Katee Robert and she did not disappoint.
Electric Idol follows Psyche and Eros and their fake marriage. I am a sucker for the fake marriage trope. Readers get more of a glimpse into the politics within Olympus where the only way to make sure Psyche is safe is to marry her. No one would kill family, right?
I really enjoyed Eros point of view. His back and forth with himself and his morals was interesting to read about. How he started out this cold blooded murderer and became someone worthy of love. I really enjoyed his mind and how he felt about Psyche. It was also fun to read about Psyche after learning about her in Neon Gods. She was always there for her sisters but we got to learn more about how loyal and amazing she is. It was fun to read about her influencer persona and how she played the game well politically.
This book was spicy, fun and full of suspense on what would happen next. I'm honestly really excited for the next book if it is about Callisto.
Books, Coffee & Passion
I enjoyed Electric Idol more than Neon Gods. I liked Eros and Psyche more as characters than Hades and Persephone and that is probably the reason I was more invested in their story.
I loved Psyche. She was fierce! She was also kind and sweet, smart and cunning, bold, super confident, and sometimes not as confident as she seemed to be. She was flawed. A fantastic character. I loved Eros too! His relationship with his mother, his struggles, the way he dealt with his feelings, his sex appeal, his sense of humor. For sure, a complex character. Both of these characters felt real and flawed. The more we got to know them, the more their connection made sense. I understood why Eros was intrigued by Psyche and why Psyche was tempted by Eros. And they were perfect for each other!
The chemistry between Eros and Psyche was HOT, HOT, HOT. Holly hell, the sexual tension between these two was incredible. Even though it felt a little instalove, their emotional connection was palpable. The steamy scenes were great. Nothing over the top with little to no kinks. However, it still worked so well for these two characters.
The world is simple but engaging. The intrigue worked better here than in Neon Gods, maybe because we got to see several more threads between the characters and the story unfolds in Olympus. So many power plays!
The family bond between Psyche and her sisters, and even her mother, Demeter, was one of my favorite aspects of this story. A strong family dynamic with some level of dysfunction, despite Demeter's lust for power. I'm very curious about Callisto's story!
Overall, super entertaining and a fun read. I'll keep reading the series as soon as the next book is out.
Electric Idol is the 2nd book in the Dark Olympus series, and did not disappoint! Psyche is amazing and I love her so much! I was surprised how much I enjoyed this book and the FMC. Normally I am not interested in books where the FMC or any characters are influencers in the modern day, but Psyche won me over with her charm and intelligence.
I enjoyed that she was a successful influencer, daughter to one of the most powerful women, incredibly intelligent, and also plus size. As someone who is plus size myself, I feel like Katee Robert did a really great job handling this trope. Psyche was confident and beautiful, but not without her insecurities. It was very relatable to see her nervousness getting naked in front of Eros, giving her measurements to him at one point, and for him to pick her up and carry her. These are all things I can very easily relate to.
What I loved the most about this was that it was the go to insult for Aphrodite, and it was seen as a weak insult to Psyche. She isn’t surprised she is fat, she knows she is and makes the best of it and wishes people would come up with a better insult.
Eros was our dark, dangerous, beautiful love interest we never knew we needed. Traumatic childhood, dark and bloody past, in desperate need of any sort of love or kindness… I would have fallen for him just as quickly as Psyche. I loved the chapters from his point of view, they were *chefs kiss* perfect. is descriptions of his budding feelings and emotions, the cracking of his cold calculated mask, his absolute desire and amazement and lust for Psyche…. whew! If those chapters don’t make you fall for him, I don’t know what you are doing.
I liked the high stakes in the first book more, but I LOVED the marriage of convenience trope in Electric Idol. It was oh so good to watch them both resist and struggle and still end up happy in each others arms.
My favorite part of the entire book (aside from the spice) was the epilogue. MY HEART!! It was so sweet and happy and I loved it so much.
Overall, Electric Idol by Katee Robert is the epitome of the marriage of convenience trope, and a fantastic read if you want to feel the ache of their growing love and resistance alongside them. And the spice is pretty damn good too!
Originally posted at woarr.com.
A couple that schemes together stays together, and that's that on that!
Eros and Psyche have me weak with the little ways they show affection and care for each other only to internally go on and on about how the other doesn't and could never actually love them. I mean it's understandable, their mothers are rivals and he waaaaas sent out to put a hit on her by one of the said mothers. But once their love for each other overcame the miscommunication, they became soo powerful in their scheming and even more soft for each other
Oef, weer beetgenomen door een hype. Echt niet goed.De wereld blijft, net als in [b:Neon Gods 54659771 Neon Gods (Dark Olympus, #1) Katee Robert https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1610505010l/54659771.SX50.jpg 85280448], onderontwikkeld en vaag. Ik zou daar mee kunnen leven als de personages diepgang vertoonden, maar ook zij zijn triestig karikaturaal , waardoor ook de romance flauw en emotieloos las.Heel veel tekst, saaie innerlijke dialogen, herhalingen, maar niks dat het verhaal emotie, diepgang of realiteit geeft. Het las vooral alsof een auteur van erotica fantasy-romance lezers wilde lokken, door te zinspelen op een dieper verhaal, maar er uiteindelijk niet in slaagde om enig aspect van het boek waar te maken, zelfs niet het erotische.
I went in expecting to hate it.
Turns out I'm a whore for Eros.
This story had a more build up to the relationship and seeing them both grow with a hint of threat was nice.
Psyche is a great characters and a plus for a plus sized character without the toxicity of it that society liked to paste on plus sized people.
I spent half my time laughing at the banter and their relationship. Not bad for a book I expected to hate.
If you didn't like neon gods I'd suggest this even just for Eros.
In this addition to the Dark Olympus series, we follow Persephone's sister, Psyche. In a wild twist of events, she is forced to enter into a marriage of convenience with Eros, a ruthless fixer for his mother, Aphrodite. What follows is them exploring their relationship while trying to navigate the political maneuverings of Olympus.
I was really disappointed with this book, and it looks like I'm in the minority that felt that. The first book, Neon Gods, was so good. This one just fell short for me. There are some of my least favorite tropes in this book, including insta-love. This book only takes place over like a week or a two. This made the relationship feel disingenuous. I felt like both characters did so many things that were so out of character. I understand having a false outer persona, but this felt like more than that. I felt like this marriage of convenience was not the only option they had out of their situation, and it felt utterly absurd that that's what the plan was from the start. In a romance book, I can look past some bad plot points if the steamy scenes are good, but these felt so vanilla and boring compared to the first book.
All-in-all, this felt very boring and contrived. It appears most people are loving this though, so I would recommend this to people that liked the first book.
TW: abuse (emotional, financial), body shaming, murder (off-page), guns, explicit sex
DNF @ 42%
I think it's time to admit that Katee Robert books just aren't for me and that's totally okay. I just don't connect at all with her writing or her worlds so end up just not caring and there are so many other books to get to, so onto the next!
This is my favorite book in the series, but I'm sad they used the same narrators for each couple. It's too easy to confuse the people when it's the same narrators for each book.