Cover 3

Elements of Retrofit

2013 • 124 pages


Average rating5


"The guy you've been seeing for six weeks was my dad? The one you said sucked dick like a Dyson?!"💀💀💀💀This book is worth the read for this line alone.

The way Cooper stepped up in a fatherly way towards Ryan kept sending me😂😂😂😂😂😂. Twenty two WHOLE years of life and you're coaching another 22 year old through a panic attack over you fucking his dad.

"You need to grow up, and realize this isn't about you." Like. Okay. True. BUT?!?!??!?!

Lol. A 'bossy little shit' like Thomas says.

Cooper, ladies and gentlemen. Not a step father. Just a father who stepped up💀💀💀

And also surprisingly well adjusted for a 22 year old. The way he went after Thomas, a lil' light seduction with a side of competence. Okay. I see you, Cooper.

The way he quietly but firmly set boundaries. I mean, I get why with a 22 year age difference, Thomas would naturally fall into a father role but Cooper shut that shit down with the quickness.

Also, he's really funny. His long standing disgruntlement over having to check in with the doorman each time before being allowed in.

The repeated Gen Y comments.

BUT. Thomas had some bangers too.

"What am you?"

"Mesmerizing." 💀 lol I'd jump into a lake.

August 20, 2024Report this review