Average rating4.4
This one hit close to home - as someone with a family member with an advanced Parkinson's diagnosis - this is the most intimate I had to live with being inside someone who is afflicted by it. Couldn't put this one down.
Truly a heartbreaking novel about a mother who loses her daughter and tries to figure out who the culprit is while navigating a world with her Parkinson disease. I really appreciated the Afterward at the end, solidifying the concept and meaning of the phrases, scenes, and characters in the story.
Wow. Certainly one of my favorite reads of this year. This a powerful story that explores the idea of bodily autonomy vs imposed control. It approaches this topic from a variety of angles and perspectives, including religion, motherhood, and illness. Elena is dealing with a severe case of Parkinson's while also coming to terms with her daughter's death. Her grief and denial takes her on a journey to understand her daughter and her role as a mother. An intense story that will grip you tight and challenge your own ideas about the themes presented here.
A powerful novella, that is not exactly what you first think it is.
It's a murdery mystery.
It's a devastating close-up portrayal of what it's like to live with Parkinson's disease.
It's an examination of women's control of their own bodies.
The build-up was masterful.
This is literally perfect, a perfect novel. It's been on my list forever, I just finally sat down and read it. It's short, 173 pages and propulsive. I really needed to find out what was going to happen next.
Elena has Parkinson's. Her daughter Rita has committed suicide. Despite being infirm, Elena pushes herself to get to the bottom of the matter.
This is not a mystery. It's much deeper than that. Such attention to detail! It is a very sad story.