Eleventh Cycle
2023 • 802 pages


Average rating3.4


Definitely Grimdark to say the least! If you get your panties in a twist about graphic sex scenes, rape, or dismemberment then do not read this book. If you can handle all these things and love unique monsters, crazy “aww shiiiiit” revelations, a character driven story, with a great battle scene towards the end then this is for you.

This book has been said to be like Dark Souls but I don't really see it. If you take out the morbid creatures and just the fact that the world is brutal then it's nothing a like.

I loved reading about every character but Chroma was probably my favorite but he barely had a part in this one. It became much more Nora focused but she turned into an absolute badass as well.

The authors writing is very good, although he was just showing off on some words I've never even seen before. I definitely will be reading all of this series!

March 3, 2023