Cover 2

Eye of the Moonrat

2012 • 360 pages


Average rating3.2


Eye of the Moonrat is one of those easy adds to your “to-read” shelf. Its got a decent overall rating and the synopsis is intriguing. So it appears to have all the things going for it making 3 stars I give it a bit of a disappointment. But in some ways it has set up the books to come so well that it ensures you will continue with the series and that in itself is a job done. Trevor handles the multiple POV's nicely and each protagonist has been very interestingly crafted. You know these protagonist's will come together eventually and you just can't wait for that to happen. On the downside, Trevor spoon feeds us and thus takes away from the actual reading experience of exploration that comes with new world settings. My mixed feelings reflect in the mixed review. Onwards to book 2!

September 24, 2014Report this review