Cover 7

Faces & Lies


Average rating4


Mysterious with a hint of romance, [b:Faces & Lies 61925554 Faces & Lies Margaret Podmore Emery 97621936] turned out to be something of a unique mystery read for me. Devin Marques isn't having an easy time of it. She's had her home broken into, she's being followed, but supposedly there's nothing that can be done about these things. She ignores it the best she can as she prepares for a horse show. However, when her groom goes missing, she starts taking this all a bit more seriously. It took me a little while to get into this one, mostly because I don't do well when harm to animals is shown/involved. I wasn't super into the romance part of the plot, either, but the mystery was good. I liked the cryptic messages at the start of several chapters. It was a good touch. It was also interesting reading a book involving a horse show. I can't say I've ever read a book with this as a backdrop before, at least not in my adult life.A huge thanks to the publisher for sending me a free digital copy to read and review!

March 1, 2023Report this review