Average rating3.8
L'histoire est globalement intéressante, car elle creuse les raisons qui peuvent pousser à commettre un suicide, l'impact sur les vies d'autrui, la façon dont beaucoup de nos actions sont interconnectées, ... Malheureusement le personnage de Liz Emerson est tout sauf attachant. Le livre donne globalement l'impression de hurler « regardez, les filles populaires ont un coeur aussi ! ». En effet, Liz Emerson a globalement tout de la « fille populaire du lycée », elle dicte les codes, émets des jugements, ruine la réputation d'autrui, brise les coeurs, ... Si elle est effectivement blessée et cherche un sens à sa vie, on a l'impression que tout le livre cherche à excuser un comportement qui est tout sauf excusable. Oui, le fait d'en arriver là est triste, oui on peut comprendre un tel mal être existentiel, mais le fait est que la façon d'être de Liz la rend tout sauf attachante. Bien sûr dans sa tête elle « aurait voulu faire autrement », mais le point est qu'elle ne fait rien du tout durant tout le livre pour cesser de se comporter en enfant gâtée / ultime pétasse.
Critique complète sur Livrophage
I really enjoyed the writing. I felt like the ending was rushed and left me feeling incomplete.
Karena baru bulan lalu membaca Jay Asher's Thirteen Reasons Why inilah quote2 yg senada :
“What did she need? Liz Emerson knew what she needed. What she truly needed was help, but she didn't know the words to ask for it.”
“But she did want to be helped. She just didn't know how to ask for it, and she was very much afraid that she was beyond any kind of help, regardless.”
“She took out her phone and Googled “signs of suicide.”
Deep sadness.
Loss of interest/withdrawal.
Trouble sleeping or eating.
Having a “death wish,” taking unnecessary risks such as driving over the speed limit, running red lights, etc., being excessively reckless.
Increasing use of alcohol or drugs.
Mood swings.”
Bedanya kalau di Thirteen Reasons Why Hannah Baker adalah korban dari semua orang, di Falling Into Place ini Liz Emerson adalah penyebabnya, mean girl yg mengerjai orang lain.
Pada akhirnya Liz menyadari Hukum ketiga Newton :
“For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”
“Oh, she was still angry with others, for reasons that she knew were wrong. She was angry at her mother for not caring and she was angry at Julia for not being strong enough and she was angry at Kennie for being such a f*cking idiot and she was angry at Liam because he had made it possible for her to destroy his life and she was angry at Jake for being an * and she was angry at all the people she ever hurt because they just sat there and let her, let her run them over until there was nothing else in her way.”
Nah jadi orang depresi itu polanya akan sama, menyalahkan orang lain, walaupun dia sdr penyebabnya. Disinilah Hukum ketiga Newton berlaku.
Sama seperti sebelumnya, jika kamu melihat orang2 di sekitarmu menunjukkan gejala depresi, tawarkanlah bantuan, tapi dari sisi manusia dulu, jangan langsung frontal ke sisi religius.