Average rating3.8
3.5I like this a tad bit more than I liked [b:We Were Liars 16143347 We Were Liars E. Lockhart https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1402749479l/16143347.SY75.jpg 21975829]. It felt like it would be a 4-4.25 star while reading, but there was a twist in the last few chapters, (the one which revealed that it was actually Carrie who killed Pfeff and not Bess) which made me lower my rating to a 3.5.Overall an enjoyable, fast paced read which is perfect for the summer:)
Family of Liars was a lot easier to get into than We Were Liars was. I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and getting to learn more about the sisters was really interesting. The fairytale metaphors made little sense to me, but every other aspect of the story was very engaging. The ending was not as sad at the ending to We Were Liars, but it was very interesting and surprised me. Despite Family of Liars being a prequel, it should 100% be read AFTER We Were Liars as the first few pages alone spoil the ending to We Were Liars!
ngl kinda excited to read about fucked up family drama without the predictable plot twist bullshit
Ooh I really liked this! I remembered liking We Were Liars when it came out but at the time I have to admit I hadn't given too much thought to the generation of moms/aunts, but this was very compelling. It made me realize that I only barely remembered the events of We Were Liars so I went back and re-read that and this did make me think more about that generation but there really weren't many specific call-backs to this, but it tracks that this family would create those kids. like yes this is a little melodramatic I suppose but the prose is beautiful and I enjoyed reading it!
why does there always have to be someone that takes pills or drinks or randomly dies
Finished! And while it wasn't as good as We Were Liars, I still loved it.
It was a breath of fresh air learning about the story of the original liars, how they got away with murder and their lives before becoming parents.
It struck me about 55% into the book that Carrie and Cady are very similar protagonists living in different situations.