Average rating4.5
Why -.5? I kind of liked Lor until he opened his mouth. I could have done without the chapter written from his POV. The whole lovable ableist misogynist really doesn't work for me.
Why 4.5? Any story that makes me, “OMG. Whaaaaaaat.” every couple of chapters deserves its kudos. And just when I think all the characters are developed and the twists are navigated, just when I think, surely, nothing more nerve-racking and explosive can happen so close to the end, it happens again: “OMG. Whaaaaaaat.”
Another freaking awesome book. I adore this series! I get a little confused with Mac's personality, but I attribute it to her being written like a normal person, because I too have typical highs and lows. I cannot believe I have to wait until next freaking JANUARY for the last book, so sad.