Average rating4.2
Eight books in and this series and author still grabs me. Psychological thrillers at it's finest.
This book would've been finished in <24 had it not been for distractions: working, sleeping, eating, you know, the unsympathetic hindrances of basic living.
This book threw twists and dug sub-plots beautifully. THIS is my new standard for an exceptional Thriller.
But mostly, I appreciate Gardner for spotlighting the after-aftermath of the survivor psyche. I was shocked by raw character portrayals and the rough reality of victim reintegration. In an exposure-addicted, shock-centric culture that bleeds abducted victim stories such as these for book deals and film rights, Flora represents the stronger + darker survivor we are not privy to today.
There are only two other authors who would make me want to read more than half a book in one night. These gems are rare to find. Sidney Sheldon, Lisa Gardner and Dan Brown
Fast paced, no bullshit, right to the point.
Just how a thriller novel should be.
Story's about a girl who was abducted many years ago, and held captive for the pleasure of one Jacob Ness. A survivor's got to survive.
Kudos to the audio book too! Did listen to a few chapters, great narration.
A good read on the dark subject of abduction. It explores the seemingly inconceivable phenomenon that someone kidnapped can have feelings for their captor and the hold the kidnapper develops over his/her prey. Nicely paced story and fairly believable.
Intriguing premise kind of fizzled at the end. Lots of weird over-emphasis of unimportant stuff (the detective's family, the counselor's handsomeness) that led me to believe something would come of it but really just filled space. Without spoiling anything, I'd say I'm kind of fuzzy about how the detective reached the conclusions she reached. I can't tell if some of the details that were revealed as the book progressed were red herrings or things that were supposed to provoke thought, or even imply things that I just didn't end up inferring about the protagonist.