Average rating4
Don't get me wrong, the book was not BAD. It just did not spark any real excitement in me when I read it
This book was so much fun - I found myself laughing out loud and reading quotes from it to my fiance, who also found the deadpan humor and snarky dialogue hilarious. I loved Finlay's character, found Vero to be a perfect sidekick, and generally enjoyed every page!
Finlay Donovan is Killing It was definitely a BookstaMadeMeDoIt and then let it sit on my shelf for a while after I got it. That tends to happen a lot.
I'm having so much fun reading this book. I think this is my first time reading this kind of satire boom. The topic is serious but the plot is mixed between mystery & comedy, I find myself giggle couple of times. Oh, and I feel so relate with Finn and everything about the motherhood sarcasm.
“Finlay Donovan is Killing It” - and I'm not just talking about the bodies piling up around her! I'm giving this book 4 stars because it was a ridiculous, hilarious ride that had me giggling and snorting my way through.
Finlay herself? Not exactly relatable (I mean, who gets caught up in a murder plot and still manages to worry about their hair?). But reading about her misadventures was an absolute blast! As she says, “I was a hot mess, but I was a hot mess in a minivan, so I was still a responsible adult, right?”
I loved how the author leaned into the absurdity of it all, with Finlay's inner monologue providing some of the best laughs. Like when she's trying to sneak around a crime scene and thinks, “I was basically a ninja, if ninjas wore yoga pants and had a perpetual wine headache.”
The writing is witty, the pacing is quick, and the characters are quirky and fun. Even if Finlay's antics drive you crazy (and they will), you can't help but root for her. As she says, “I was a terrible person, but I was a terrible person with a good heart.”
Overall, “Finlay Donovan is Killing It” is a fun, lighthearted read perfect for when you need a laugh and a break from the seriousness of life. Just remember, if you're going to get caught up in a murder plot, make sure you're wearing clean pants. Priorities, people!
So excellent. I gave it a 4 only because of a couple of minor plot holes. More review to come...
Well, “[b:Finlay Donovan Is Killing It 53138099 Finlay Donovan Is Killing It (Finlay Donovan, #1) Elle Cosimano https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1659447956l/53138099.SY75.jpg 79311104]” by [a:Elle Cosimano 5444060 Elle Cosimano https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1432140791p2/5444060.jpg] has certainly and clearly managed to kill any link to reality early on...Finlay Donovan, desparate housewife, mother of two, divorced from her serial-cheating husband and in a custody battle with him over their kids, who has probably swatted a fly or two at worst, accidentally murders a person, tries to hide that together with her children's nanny and goes on to stumble from one mess into the next.Ok, I knew I would likely have to suspend my disbelief a little more forcefully with this one than with other books but the premise didn't prepare me for the utter nonsense that this book consists of. Not only is Finlay an uncoordinated mess, massively behind at writing her book, drowning in bills and debt, no, she doesn't really get anything done but hopes things will magically resolve themselves somehow.And, in fact, in this book they actually simply do: Her nanny keeps pushing her in the right direction, the cops are stupid, the witnesses are blind and ruthless, hardened mobsters make rookie mistakes...Finlay herself is unbelievably and annoyingly naïve. Right when she realises she's in deep and the mafia is involved she has a brilliant idea...»Then I would do the most adult thing of all. I would throw the backpack full of cash at her and run before she had a chance to stop me. Possession was nine-tenths of the law. I wasn't sure whose law, or if the mafia even cared about the law. But math was math, no matter who was holding the calculator.«All of this could maybe have been funny or at least interesting but, basically, the story is moving slowly and sedately. At no point is there any real danger or even a feeling of real urgency. It's just meandering along without any real highlights nor any great lowlights.I was never completely bored but the “just one more chapter” (or even sentence!) drive was completely missing for me. Never did I feel engaged, worried for Finlay (whom I remained indifferent towards) or even Vero (the nanny, whom I actually liked better than Finlay). At every single stage of this “mystery” I knew that nothing truly bad would ever happen.Also, mystery? There simply is nothing mysterious here! (Apart, maybe, from the daftness of every single character!) The “twists” were mostly predictable and so strongly foreshadowed I found myself completely unsurprised.Pretty much the only redeeming quality of this book is that its story as a whole is just barely interesting enough to want to know how it ends - and even that is messed up because the publisher for reasons unknown obviously contracted the author for two books...Three out of five stars.Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram Pinterest Medium Matrix TumblrCeterum censeo Putin esse delendam